It looks like the PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 are doing better and Wii is doing worst The PS3 software sales situation is improving in the Americas rather steadily. This week there were 8 PS3 games in the top fifty. Americas Sales for the Week Ending April 4, 2009 ShareThis Posted by: TheSource 10th Apr 2009, Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, 1,733 views Platform 4.4.09 3.28.09 Change Wii 155,575 164,098 -5% DS 148,998 185,308 -20% X360 71,546 80,805 -11% PS3 63,898 70,038 -9% PSP 52,579 55,910 -6% PS2 36,651 24,924 +47%
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