Fanboyism aside, ( I happen to have a 360, ps3 , and high end gaming pc, ...2 of them were inadvertant gifts,),
but i have NO idea why everyone keeps saying that the graphics for NHL 09 are identical on both consoles.
It's obvious that this is like one of the very few cases where the ps3 version of a multiplatform game actually LOOKS better than the 360 version. So as you can see i am bashing and praising the ps3 at the same time (can u tell i hate fanboyism).
just look at the end of this high def video EA sports side-by-side comparison (it begins with brett favre's mug and is in the middle of the webpage),
run it FULL SCREEN, and u can tell that the textures on the players' jerseys, their facial features/hair/shadows, and team logos/fonts are so much crisper on the ps3 version. PAUSE the video at like the 2:30 mark and look at the side by side shot of Kings player who wears number 35, if u look at his jersey cloth over his left lower back area and shoulder logo and shin gaurds texture, u can actually be shocked that the PS3 has a more detailed look vs 360.
even more obvious, pause at 2:47 mark and look at the side by side profile of Arnott, the 360 "smears and blurs" the helmet and jersey logo.
BTW, in case u didnt realize, no amount of pc optimization can save the pc version of nhl 09, the graphics are AGED, ( a perfect example where multiplatform games are NOT ALWAYS BETTER ON PC).
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