[QUOTE="karicha9"] So in other words, you want to detract from the success of the Wii and DS by using whatever loophole you can find.
In the grand scheme of things, console wars aren't won by game ratings, they are won by sales.
The Wii and DS are successes, no need for unnecessary provisos to wiggle out of the observation.
So what good is a console to the consumer if it sells the most but doesn't have the best games?
Great for Nintendo. Bad for you but...you don't care as long as your favorite company gets your money?
Give me an example of any generation, handheld or otherwise, where at the conclusion of the gen, the greatest selling piece of hardware DIDN'T have, as a whole, the best software selection?By the end of this gen, if the Wii sells drastically more than the other consoles, there will be a plethora of games on it, some will be masterpieces. Same thing for the DS. Of course, this is, as always, much to do with your gaming tastes.
However, the success of the DS has allowed many unique and interesting titles to be produced that I don't believe would have been present if the DS did not succeed. The same will happen for the Wii. To deny that both systems have good games is ludicrous.
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