hi so i have been seeing alot of thread recently about console graphic kings etc and its funny to see some of the answers the ppl come out with.
i am a ps3 owner lets just get that out of the way but this is my unbiased opinion and im sure many will agree.
GEARS OF WAR 2: anyone who says this game wont be king is mistaken. im sorry folks but this game clearly has the edge on visuals and WILL be graphics king when it is launched. with that being said it wont last very long on the throne. why? because looking at the visual improvement there doesnt seem to be alot and that tells me a game next year will simply come and knock it out of its place.
EDIT: Textures in the game are also a hit and miss situation just like in killzone 2. the character models are very detailed, but some of the environment textures seem to be lacking. its obvious where the devs had to make cuts in order to get this game looking like it is now.
RESISTENCE 2: i dont know how ppl can say this has better graphics than gears 2. i once myself said it too and now i look back think that was silly lol this game is good looking but it doesnt look better than gears 2. sorry fellow ps3 fans but thats the truth. it has nice colourful vibrant environments and the game has gotten bigger and better than before. the scene with the bridge with all the alien ships flying around looks to be one of the best set peices this gen so far! some good textures around but the main focus on this is the gameplay which will not fail to please im sure of it.
KILLZONE 2: this seems to be the marmite of the gaming industry, you either love it or you hate it. it has very nice textures and does look very very good considering guerilla games has had the pressure of the infamous e3 2005 trailer to live up to. BUT graphics king? yes. although it has hit and miss textures throughout some look very good some look ok and some look bad. it has one of the best lighting systems in place with the realistic lens flare effects etc. the environments seem semi destructible also. coupled with the particle effects, the explosions, the post processing, the draw distance, the continuous action going on this game may very well be the one to de-throne gears 2 when it is launched.
RESIDENT EVIL 5: this game seems to be one to beat at the moment. its lighting effects and visuals are simply too good. even gears 2 doesnt hold a candle to it. capcom have done a great job with it. when this is launched it will de-throne gears of war 2. simple.
HEAVY RAIN: from what we have seen this seems to be another game to beat. the visuals from the gameplay trailer shown at GDC were superb. the character models were great but some of the environments didnt look all that. this seems likely to take the throne when its launched next year. it looks to have some very realistic character models and animation in place not seen in any console game yet.
CRYSIS/CRYSIS WARHEAD: obviously these two games are the best looking to date. BUT this is about console graphics king. if the pc was included in the comparison its pretty obvious it will blow the consoles to peices.
thank you for reading. please let me know if i have missed any other games :)
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