Not really "news" considering we all know World of Warcraft makes like a billion dollars a year on its own (exadgerationg, I know). And people still spend a fortune on The Sims and are waiting eagerly for Sims 3 to come out. Not to mention the millions who will undoubtedly buy Spore. Hell, even I am thinking of upgrading my PC for Spore.
I don't really get why hermits thinks this news counters the people who say PC gaming is "dying". I don't believe PC gaming is dying, but I also don't believe the two arguements are mutually exclusive. Seems to me that PC gaming is becoming more and more concentrated in terms of this money. I mean, if you took out WoW receipts, how much would that impact the totals? Probably a hell of a lot.
Take recent politics as an example. The gap between rich and poor keeps growing and growing. More and more people in the "middle class" are moving down the economic chain. But because the wealthy are getting wealthier, and corporations are making more and more money (at the expensive of massive debt for everyone else)...people act like the economy is booming. In reality, the economy is doing quite poorly but the reporting is skewed by the massively increase in wealth for a few.
Granted, hermits will jump down my throat for even suggesting this is possible. I'm not saying it is the truth...I'm just kicking around ideas.
Not near as much as you think.
Anyway, fact remains, there's more PC gamers than anything else. PC gaming brings in the most money. I'm sure Starcraft 2 and Spore will make a penny or two when they're released also. PC gaming is hardly limited to a select few titles.
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