So if catering to noobs is the way to make an FPS popular, what's your excuse for Halo...?
Halo actually takes skill to play, its easy to get into and its hard to master. Granted teh skill gap is not as High as say Starcraft, Counterstrike or Quake, but in terms of consoles its one of the most balanced games on console shooter market, both Halo 3 and Halo reach. In Halo reach their is agun used for every situation, every weapon can be a tool of destruction in the right hands, their is reticle bloom, you have to concentrate and keep steady rate of fire as the more you spam the lss accrate the weapon becomes. Its very balanced and fun. Call of duty has become broken since they added perks like "steadyaim, which is an extra aimbot, or stopping power or Extra damage" Halo has non of this nonsense, and rarely anyone camps in Halo unless you playing swat or snipers on a big open map. In halo there is Far less camping, its more of a toned down tactialArena shooter, so basically slower version of unreal/quake with Tf2 elements into it and it manages to have it sown flavor.
Halo 3 isn't nearly as strategic as Reach. Reach trumps Halo 3 in terms of skill required to play. Halo 3 was basically just jog in, shoot, melee, throw a grenade, etc. Now with Reach, especially with the abilities they FINALLY added, you can do a whole lot more to stay alive than just the basics.If you played Rumble pit or social slayer than yes but if you actually played the competetive gametypes aka the MLG playlist, the Objective playlist than it was very deep, custom timings, weapon spawn timings, knowing how to spawn lock, baiting and switching, success is earned by teamwork in that game not anyone can jsut completely dominate unless the other team has noobs. and yes Halo reach Is by far better than Halo 3, it has more depth now due to armor abilities but even without AA, the return of Health packs adds more intense shoot outs, the reticle bloom. Competitive Halo is acutally really deep and fun, its just that noobs cant handle it or understand it and would rather just sit in a corner and get easy kills.
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