This is what i don't understand...why in GODS name isn't DBZ: T3 on the 360 or PS3!??? #
Oh and Naruto looks nice but dude....go play ETERNAL SONATA.
i think its cuz it would be sort of a waste. I mean look at the naruto X360 cell shaded graphics, they dont look any better than Budokai Tenkaichi 2. Sure the background looks about 100x better, but in a game of dragonball, the background graphics arent all that important. If you see all the games, the backgrounds are slightly above average, nothing special but it gets the job done.
Now what i would have really wanted in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 would have been:
-4 player battles. Come on, its DBZ! Most of the battles take place between multiple characters, i wish they would do this for the games, although i do understand that it could cause some gameplay problems.
-Online games. If you could play the Tenkaichi games online, it would make the game 100x better. I mean it would be so freaking insane. And it would be great if they had a spectator mode to go along with it!
-Destructable Environment. Sure the environment is psuedo-destructable, but i want it to be non-scripted destructable like in far cry and i hear crysis too. I remember in farcray if you shot a rocket launcher at the ground it left a crater (unless there was a tree next to it). That would be awesome for a DBZ game and they can make it more impressive considering the levels are far smaller.
Proper Story mode. I know they are trying, but i want a story mode like the dragon ball snes rpg game. I want to have a big world, not that "i can fly around the map in 2 seconds" trash. give me sumthing like the final fantasy 7 map. i want there to be quests u can do and all that jazz. heck they can even revert to the age old random battles of RPGs...i just want a full single player DBZ experience. and maybe they can work on the little movies inbetween fights because those things are about as boring as KOTOR cutscenes and thats BORING. (10 minutes of pressing "X" while you watch the characters stand in the same position jabbering on an on..."
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