[QUOTE="Israfel856"] Fighting game.
I see no reason for Wii zealots to be jealous. They might even get a special version down the line which will let them wiggle their Wiimotes, which will make the fighting real immersive.
Nah, I'm screwing around, you'll just feel like a dork.
actually, no. It's alot of fun having motion controlls in MK ArmageddonOK, I'm not talking about the Wii in general, but this is how I see it.
Marvel: Dorky
Videogames: Dorky
Now, playing a videogame based on Marvel is kinda dorky, because it's two nerdy pastimes coming together.
But with motion controls?
There are enough venues for nerds to pretend they're superheroes, why give them another one.
Plus, Mortal Kombat? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
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