So far EA's show has made Microsofts first showing look great... which I didn't think was possible..
What the hell is with all the cartooney looking shit? I mean graphics aren't all that matters by any means, but why does it all look exactly the same? A rockets only multiplayer game? OH BOY... trash so far. Showing 5 year old games, indie looking games, and now this rocket shit... give me a break.
Just a bunch of "oh look now a bunch of PC hacking scrubs can play with people on console, since everyone asked for that"... lol... right. I'm cool with cross play, but there better either be an option to turn it off in the games or to be paired with similar input devices.
Hopefully they show something decent soon.
Edit: Star Wars Squadrons looks meh... Disappointed in what I saw, because in theory I was thinking it could be cool. If it is first person only that kills it as well (really hoping for 3rd person options). Cool for those that think it looks good, but not what I was looking for to say the least...
and Skate 5... oh boy. I mean not bad, but come on...
Amazing experience.. lol.. My god.... that's it... ugghhh.. That was awful.
In order of shows PS, MS, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EA. I hope MS's next show blows things out of the water, because everything I have seen so far is extremely underwhelming.
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