I think Rockstar have to do something drastically different that improves GTA for it to have a chance. It will be a contender, but it definately won't win.
Anything is possible. I've said it before and I'll say it again: "Spore will be GOTY 2007". If Spore somehow "flops" then I guess Mass Effect, Halo 3, GTAIV etc are all contenders.
I hear Mass Effect, Halo 3, BioShock a lot...but not GTA IV.
I think RockStar has a huge surprise cooking....
   They have set the bar really high on open-world games, and after playing games like Saint's Row and Crackdown, I am not sure that they can "wow" us. They created the genre, blew our minds with the hugeness of San Andreas, what else can they do to wow us all?    I really hope they do, but GotY? I don't think so. Its possible...
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