Oh god that series -.- It is kind of interresting, with near every game Ive had people tell me that teh game is "way better" and nope. The Assassins Creed series is pretty damn bad.
With the possible exception of AC4, which saving grace was NOT to have a Little whiney cardboard cutout streotype being the main character. And the First one since, you know, you actually had to assassinate someone at some point.
But apart from the protagonists (which they dropped the ball with, so many times it is not even funny anymore, I thought the devs were playing a joke on me with the AC2 main protagonist, he was two steps away from chronically eating a bowl of pasta, and come with the random outburst "Itsa me Mario!"
But Gameplay is underwhemingly bad, too easy too simple for the depth they put in the avaiable options for it (counter butten much?). Vaguely based on historical characters is a decent enough thing, but what you do in them is overly underwhelming.
Hell for a game called "assassins creed" with the focus on assassins here. You do very Little in the area of assassinations and a Whole lot of murderous rampage against incredibly bad ai.
So no never a fan of the series Either, I do find TCs claims to be within reason from an objective point of view (not to mention the subjective one).
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