I went with brand loyalty this time. I was an early adopter if thats what its called, not people who buy at launch, but that buy after couple of years. I went with Wii last time cause i was mainly a PC gamer and choose to go with Wii U this time around also. I was happy with the quality of the system and the games. I didnt care which console was better, i just wanted to play Nintendo games really. I was really happy with the Gamecube and when i heard Wii would also play Gamecube it seemed like a no brainer. Weird thing was i wasnt to big on the Wii early on, i was still playing Gamecube games on it a bunch. But little by little i started to get s few good Wii games also. Gamecube and Wii helped me get into Nintendo, then i went to PS3 while i waited for Wii U to be out for a few years.
I got Wii U last Christmas, but i already have a pretty sweet set of Wii U games so far. More than i had on my Wii at the same time. I kinda stick to brand loyalty until i have a reason not to. My loyalty was so strong this year that i bought Splatoon day 1. Ill be buying Xenoblade Chronicles X day 1 also cause of my loyalty being high on it.
I agree people shouldnt use brand loyalty, just because ive had success in it with Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve, etc doesnt mean others will. I would never tell someone to use brand loyalty, but i would also find no problem in people having loyalty in the things they love. But you must be careful, lots of companies could care less about long term success and just want short term profits, so we must still tread lightly.
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