...to the hacks on the 360, Wii, DS, and even the PSP?
Ever since those "masterkeys" of the PS3 were released, every aspect of the PS3's hack story is bigger than anything else has ever been. I think that's partly because PS3 has been "the system that cannot be hacked" for the past four years.
But still, when the Wii, 360, DS, and PSP got hacked, you didn't have the main hackers saying "_____ better back off!" or being featured on G4TV (Geohot). When the Wii, 360, and PSP got hacked, you didn't hear everyone moaning "well, I guess it's time for the Xbox 720, Wii 2, PSP2", nor did you hear people moaning "well I guess every online game is going to have cheaters in it", nor did the general gaming public start saying "hahah! Told ya cheaters would ruin the online" when cheaters did indeed show up in online games for those other systems.
From an objective standpoint, the PS3 hack has resulted in no worse damage than any of those other systems. I don't care if "teh masturkeez!" have been released, because the RESULT of the hack has resulted in no worse damage than Jtags, hacked Wiis, R4s, CFWs on PSP, etc.
So what gives? Is Sony once again everyone's favorite whipping boy when in reality they're simply experiencing something that has been rampant on other platforms for years?
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