They reworked the play calling system and it's just fucking awful.
It's unresponsive and jolting. They took away the button idetifiers on the play so you have to look at them when you get to the line of scrimmage. The way they have the menu system is just bad.
And it seems as if the defense got a steroid treatment. Cornerbacks are diving 10 yds to break up passes....anyone on defense can be behind the receiver but catch up to intercept....and it seems I have to lob or bullet....theres no inbetween so throwing over a linebacker to an open guy means I have to really hang it in the air b/c they jump like 15ft.
And the QB position is shit. I dunno.....I've been playing Drew Brees and he KEEPS underthrowing passes even when having his feet planted. And at times I'll use the stick to lead my receiver but jesus....he leads so far that it's not even catchable by my guy.
Then....when it's 4th down....your play calliing options say "please wait...opponent is picking personel". WTF??
It took me 4 times to wonder wtf was going on. You actually have to press the cancel button to start choosing a play on 4th downs. It auto chooses punt return or regardless if they other team chooses to go for it.
It's fucking unbelievable.
The game has so many fundamental's just shit.
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