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I always like the more realistic feel of the first C&C at least generals looks more realNot really. C&C Generals was known for its gameplay not it's story or setting. Would rather have another Red Alert game or Nod vs GDI.
Not really haven't enjoyed C&C for a long time red alert was great every thing after that not so much.
The first 10 years of playing C&C are nice, but now at 15 years it has become a bit boring :)
It was same when i played SC2, it was like a copy of the first
Same for Heroes and pretty much every startegy series
Developers should have one man thinking about some new ideas, since they seem to have zero
I'm personally very hyped for this game. Its sad that people think that because of C&C4 was so bad, this one will instantly be bad aswell...
Generals 2 got an entirely new studio, under Bioware's label. They offer their fans to share theiridea's on their site on how to improve the game, or what they would love to see.
They have atleast gotten a brand new engine, the Frostbite 2 engine itself! Thats a great start if you'd ask me, and I can't wait tot ry out the EU faction. And I wonder what the third faction will be...
Sadly no. I will never support EA with C&C after Red Alert 3. I don't care Bioware is doing it (even though it isn't Bioware, just a studio renamed bioware to generate hype).
I am excited, graphically speaking it looks amazing, cant believe they are using Frostbite 2 for it (it was about time they stopped using the same engine they used since 2001 for C&C games) enjoyed every single C&C game I have played except C&C4 (man that was a pile of turd). Hope this one is going to be amazing. And eh, why do we have loosingENDs in an RTS forum, the man has no idea what he is talking about. Plus, did not know that idiots could play RTSs. jonathant5
I have played so many RTS for more than 10 years that i feel sick even looking at one now
They are an exact copy of older ones too, it is so pathetic
Frankly i would rather replay Lord of the Realms 2, SC1 or Heroes 3 than any new strategy game
[QUOTE="Johnny_Rock"]flavour?I'm drinking the kool aid!
Lemon 9.5 flavored! I'm really hoping it's a great game. Generals is my favorite C&C game.
[QUOTE="jonathant5"]I am excited, graphically speaking it looks amazing, cant believe they are using Frostbite 2 for it (it was about time they stopped using the same engine they used since 2001 for C&C games) enjoyed every single C&C game I have played except C&C4 (man that was a pile of turd). Hope this one is going to be amazing. And eh, why do we have loosingENDs in an RTS forum, the man has no idea what he is talking about. Plus, did not know that idiots could play RTSs. loosingENDS
I have played so many RTS for more than 10 years that i feel sick even looking at one now
They are an exact copy of older ones too, it is so pathetic
Frankly i would rather replay Lord of the Realms 2, SC1 or Heroes 3 than any new strategy game
Both Heroes and (if I recall correctly) Lord of the Realms are turn based strategy games, they are not RTS game. Plus the genre has evolved considerably of the years. With games such as DoW2 and Company of Heroes 2 for their cover mechanics, Supreme Commander for its size and scope, Total War for its scale and emphasis on tactics, SW Empire at War for its awesome space battles (destructible points on the ship), Nexus the Jupiter Incident (just awesome and unique), World in Conflict (emphasis on FPS like Multiplayer), and etc. So uh yeah bud clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. The only place I can agree with you is SC2, it is pretty much the same game as SC1 in terms of core gameplay mechanics. But still the two games feel very different.I'm actually looking forward to it. The last RTS games I've been playing are Command and Conquer 3 and World in Conflict.
Not really. C&C Generals was known for its gameplay not it's story or setting. Would rather have another Red Alert game or Nod vs GDI.
Agreed the other C&C universes are far more interesting but C&C4 was terrible and RA3 wasn't that good so I can understand why they are revisiting generals.
Anyway, I'm hyped but it's coming in 2013 so that is still a while, lot's of games coming out this year to be more hyped about.
Heroes VI had a lot of changes compared to previous entries :]The first 10 years of playing C&C are nice, but now at 15 years it has become a bit boring :)
It was same when i played SC2, it was like a copy of the first
Same for Heroes and pretty much every startegy series
Developers should have one man thinking about some new ideas, since they seem to have zero
And as a whole strategy series take far more risks than series of pretty much any other genre
Anyway, I'm excited. Generals always was the best CnC gameplay-wise. I will miss the FMVs and cheesseness, but solid RTS gameplay and amazing engine will make than make up for it. Plus the project is handled by the second biggest RPG legend of all time, so I'm rather confident he will deliver.
Yes. I might even upgrade my computer for it. As the video went on during the VGAs about this new Bioware game, I was just sitting there thinking "great, another FPS." The camera started pulling back and I began to doubt that it was a FPS. All of a sudden Generals 2 flashed on the screen and I screamed like a little girl.
What made Generals so great was its simplicity. You had one resource, besides power, and you could build an infinite amount of units without any kind of restriction at all. I just hope they keep this game like the original and just add more features.
The strange thing is the first CCG was widely panned (during its time) because it deviated from the C&C and Red Alert universe. There were even some reviewers who panned the use of suicide bombers and the targeting of civilians in the game. Of course, the game came out just before news coverage of the Iraq invasion showed suicide bombers as a de facto weapon in warfare.
C&C3 was awesome though :|Does Westwood make the C&C games anymore?
Oh, they don't?
Well then I see it failing.
[QUOTE="SW__Troll"]C&C3 was awesome though :|Does Westwood make the C&C games anymore?
Oh, they don't?
Well then I see it failing.
Red Alert 3 was pretty good aswell. Sure its not as great as the first 2, but it was still quite fun to play. They introduced co-op, naval warfare, a brand new Japanese faction, secundary abilities, unit introduction clips, huge actors etc (Tim Curry and George Takei ftw).
Every C&C game will add something new, they are not always the same thing
C&C3 was awesome though :|[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"][QUOTE="SW__Troll"]
Does Westwood make the C&C games anymore?
Oh, they don't?
Well then I see it failing.
Red Alert 3 was pretty good aswell. Sure its not as great as the first 2, but it was still quite fun to play. They introduced co-op, naval warfare, a brand new Japanese faction, secundary abilities, unit introduction clips, huge actors etc (Tim Curry and George Takei ftw).
Every C&C game will add something new, they are not always the same thing
Yet the Japanese faction is a complete weeaboos wet dream (You cannot argue that) and ruined the feel of the game. The graphics were god awful, the naval battles were not special at all, units changing roles was a waste, and the money spent on the huge named actors could have been spent on cheesy actors (liek RA2) and on better design choices.Please Log In to post.
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