For such a massive game, i'm seeing very little hype outside neogaf, people shouldn't just pass it up for being an mmo
It will be out August 27th For Playstation 3 and PC and 2014 for PS4.. so get it :P this is a true final fantasy game XD
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Well didnt its first outting flop hard? I think after that people lost a lot of interest. And I dunno, something about the FF universe just isnt appealing enough to me in an MMO type of way. Like I enjoy playing FF games every now and then, but something about the worlds just doesnt feel "natural" to me. There are many fantasy based games, most notably World of Warcraft, and as fantastical as they seem, the worlds feel cohesive as if they could actually exist. In FF games it never feels like that to me, the worlds just feel like giant stages where a show occurs and they are torn down as soon as you turn off the game...I dunno how to explain it.
With that being said, i was a huge fan of FFXI and spent countless hours playing it on PC. This was a pre-WoW MMO and as such was extremely difficult. I mean the difficulty difference between WoW and FFXI was similar to the difficulty difference between COD4 and Battletoads for NES...that crazy. But I loved it to death, I loved the importance of group work. Yes it sucked that there was pretty much no solo content in the game cause the basic enemies were tougher than WoW dungeon bosses, but if you got into a group, just fighting combat and teamwork was so satisfying! And lets not forget how you could delevel lol. Nothing like starting a sessions level 40 and ending it level 35 lol. Good times, good times :P
Depends how much better it is than its original release.
I'll definitely be waiting for reviews.
I'm seeing quite a lot of positive comments on GameFAQs! I'll definitely be trying it out because I like way gameplay works, very focused on crafting and how you can be all classes on one character and mix abilities between them and stuff. Hopefully it'll keep me around long enough until ArcheAge comes out
Depends how much better it is than its original release.
I'll definitely be waiting for reviews.
I'm seeing quite a lot of positive comments on GameFAQs! I'll definitely be trying it out because I like way gameplay works, very focused on crafting and how you can be all classes on one character and mix abilities between them and stuff. Hopefully it'll keep me around long enough until ArcheAge comes out
So its like FFXI in that regard! Im starting to get excited! I remember in FFXI you picked a race, created a character, and then you could try out every single job (class). And then you could level each job individually to level 75, and you could have 2 jobs active at once, your primary (lvl cap 75) and your secondary which would be capped at half the max level (i think they made it around 35). It was a pretty cool concept and I enjoyed it. And the crafting in FFXI was pretty extensive too. The problem with FFXI was that the game told you nothing. It literally just threw you in the world and said "figure it out" and that cause a lot of people to not get into it. Hopefully they fix that with this game. Add a bit more tutorials and explanations. And it wouldnt hurt for this game to have some solo content cause FFXI had absolutely none, which meant if you started playing 1+years after release, youd have a hard time getting a party.[QUOTE="xWoW_Rougex"][QUOTE="PcGamingRig"]
Depends how much better it is than its original release.
I'll definitely be waiting for reviews.
I'm seeing quite a lot of positive comments on GameFAQs! I'll definitely be trying it out because I like way gameplay works, very focused on crafting and how you can be all classes on one character and mix abilities between them and stuff. Hopefully it'll keep me around long enough until ArcheAge comes out
So its like FFXI in that regard! Im starting to get excited! I remember in FFXI you picked a race, created a character, and then you could try out every single job (class). And then you could level each job individually to level 75, and you could have 2 jobs active at once, your primary (lvl cap 75) and your secondary which would be capped at half the max level (i think they made it around 35). It was a pretty cool concept and I enjoyed it. And the crafting in FFXI was pretty extensive too. The problem with FFXI was that the game told you nothing. It literally just threw you in the world and said "figure it out" and that cause a lot of people to not get into it. Hopefully they fix that with this game. Add a bit more tutorials and explanations. And it wouldnt hurt for this game to have some solo content cause FFXI had absolutely none, which meant if you started playing 1+years after release, youd have a hard time getting a party. Yea its quite similar... but not identical. You start off as "Classes" like Maurader (2H axe) Lancer (Lance) Gladiator (Sword/Shield) Pugulist (Hand to Hand) Conjurer (Healing/Wind/Earth) Thautamage (Mage, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder) Arcanist (Pet Carbuncle, dots, hots) Then when you hit 30 in say gladiator you can unlock the Paladin "JOB", Jobs are extentions of their main CLASS. Paladin is whatever level your gladiator is you don't relevel and its NOT a NEW CLASS ... it simple adds 5 Paladin like moves to your gladiator making it more of the main tank for PvE. CLASSES are designed for solo play, they can inherent 10 moves from other classes of your choosing. JOBs think of them as talent tree specializations, they turn your CLASS into a spefic role for partying, they can only inherit 5 moves from THREE specific classes. Jobs cannot inherit abilities. from other jobs.LOL Final Fantasy!!!!!!!!!! FoxbatAlpha1 mediocre generation of games and suddenly they have no credit? give me a break =/
[QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"]LOL Final Fantasy!!!!!!!!!! MBirdy881 mediocre generation of games and suddenly they have no credit? give me a break =/ Think how bad that sounds................
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"][QUOTE="FoxbatAlpha"]LOL Final Fantasy!!!!!!!!!! FoxbatAlpha1 mediocre generation of games and suddenly they have no credit? give me a break =/ Think how bad that sounds................ Think how armchair-hipster you sound.
It will... for a fanservice quest line: it have Lightning in it?
[QUOTE="Michael0134567"]It will... for a fanservice quest line: Good, the game will be good.Does it have Lightning in it?
Yes I am greatly, I will be making a thread about it after phase 4 of the beta. But not for system wars, too much pathetic hipster crap here where if its multiplat or mmo you will likely only get 10 replies.MBirdy88
Goodluck with the thread, and it's best to keep it out of system wars, they will only flame the game anyways :(
[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="xWoW_Rougex"]So its like FFXI in that regard! Im starting to get excited! I remember in FFXI you picked a race, created a character, and then you could try out every single job (class). And then you could level each job individually to level 75, and you could have 2 jobs active at once, your primary (lvl cap 75) and your secondary which would be capped at half the max level (i think they made it around 35). It was a pretty cool concept and I enjoyed it. And the crafting in FFXI was pretty extensive too. The problem with FFXI was that the game told you nothing. It literally just threw you in the world and said "figure it out" and that cause a lot of people to not get into it. Hopefully they fix that with this game. Add a bit more tutorials and explanations. And it wouldnt hurt for this game to have some solo content cause FFXI had absolutely none, which meant if you started playing 1+years after release, youd have a hard time getting a party. Yea its quite similar... but not identical. You start off as "Classes" like Maurader (2H axe) Lancer (Lance) Gladiator (Sword/Shield) Pugulist (Hand to Hand) Conjurer (Healing/Wind/Earth) Thautamage (Mage, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder) Arcanist (Pet Carbuncle, dots, hots) Then when you hit 30 in say gladiator you can unlock the Paladin "JOB", Jobs are extentions of their main CLASS. Paladin is whatever level your gladiator is you don't relevel and its NOT a NEW CLASS ... it simple adds 5 Paladin like moves to your gladiator making it more of the main tank for PvE. CLASSES are designed for solo play, they can inherent 10 moves from other classes of your choosing. JOBs think of them as talent tree specializations, they turn your CLASS into a spefic role for partying, they can only inherit 5 moves from THREE specific classes. Jobs cannot inherit abilities. from other jobs. Hmmm...aight, so far so good. Im not gonna buy this day 1 or anything, but i will definitely keep my eye on it.Â
I'm seeing quite a lot of positive comments on GameFAQs! I'll definitely be trying it out because I like way gameplay works, very focused on crafting and how you can be all classes on one character and mix abilities between them and stuff. Hopefully it'll keep me around long enough until ArcheAge comes out
I got accepted for the alpha trial for it and played it for a while, it got boring fast to me. Guess I'm not an MMO type guy anyway cos the same happened with Guild Wars 2
Also I ain't paying a sub fee
Not hyped. No way I'm paying a subscription for another MMORPG after almost all of them are going F2P. Miroku32Not always a good thing.
[QUOTE="Miroku32"]Not hyped. No way I'm paying a subscription for another MMORPG after almost all of them are going F2P. MBirdy88Not always a good thing.
Guild Wars 2 proved that it is. People are far more willing to try an MMO if it's not sub based
Not always a good thing.[QUOTE="MBirdy88"][QUOTE="Miroku32"]Not hyped. No way I'm paying a subscription for another MMORPG after almost all of them are going F2P. seanmcloughlin
Guild Wars 2 proved that it is. People are far more willing to try an MMO if it's not sub based
Guild Wars 2. one of the most anti social mmos ever concieved? that game witha very poor retention rate and copy paste updates with a poor philosophy on content. that game where cool unlockables have to be bought or grinded for diamonds..... the game with ironically more grind at endgame with no challenge than any other game. What did Guild Wars 2 prove exactly? If anything Rift and SWTOR are much better examples of "hybrid subscriptions" that actually deliver on content.After playing the beta, no i'm not. To be honest I don't like MMO at all. I'm looking forward to FF XV thoughÂ
[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]I might get it on PC but maybe the PS3 first.Sweenix
I'm getting it on ps3, hoping i can transfer everything to the ps4 version :P
You'd have to buy another copy but yes, your account will transfer. Both PS3 and PC players already have cross play, no reason why PS4 won't either.
I've never really had any motivation or desire to play an MMORPG, and FFXIV doesn't change that. I'd rather wait for FFXV.
I don't like how there is a subscription you have to pay for. I hope they do a 30 day trial cause I am very curious about it. Maybe even go f2p eventually like SWToR did. The only MMO I ever found worth paying for was WoW and I really can't see FFXIV being a WoW killer.
I don't like how there is a subscription you have to pay for. I hope they do a 30 day trial cause I am very curious about it. Maybe even go f2p eventually like SWToR did. The only MMO I ever found worth paying for was WoW and I really can't see FFXIV being a WoW killer.
there is a free beta at the start of august, so try that :)
[QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]I might get it on PC but maybe the PS3 first.whiskeystrike
I'm getting it on ps3, hoping i can transfer everything to the ps4 version :P
You'd have to buy another copy but yes, your account will transfer. Both PS3 and PC players already have cross play, no reason why PS4 won't either.
that's all i needed to know, i can see myself spending so much time on the PS4 version, hopefully it comes out asap, nothing on the ps4 interests me so far :P
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