[QUOTE="jujutheking"][QUOTE="desktopdefender"][QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="desktopdefender"][QUOTE="jujutheking"][QUOTE="desktopdefender"] I like KZ2 graphicly i think it looks great
But you cows cant deny this

Why would we deny that.I can find pics of good textures too.The fact is the gm is in pre alpha and 6-9 months away.
80% of textures in that trailer were really badBut my point is that no mattar how hard the cows try, the game didnt match the trailer
Though it looks great!! 8/10
It came close to the trailer and thats all that matters. WE never said that it would look EXACLTY like the trailer.
O belive me not every cow said thatBut plenty of them said it suppressed the trailer in graphics and was better than crysis:shock:
Now i think it looks great, but it didnt match the trailer i think, about 20% off i think
It came pretty close and all they need to do is fix the some of the textures.It's still in pre alpha stages and it looks pretty close.
Even from that find the best pics you can comparion it still doesnt match the trailerhell i downloaded the trailer on psn to my PS3 and watched it on my 1080p sony bravia and i could still notice the terible textures
I think the games graphics wowed alot of people, and didnt seem to bother to look around them and see that GG were trying to hide alot of things
BTW ill post pictures for proof if you want
I already said that this is pre pre alpha
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