before this game was anounced there was a lot of hype, because of the hype i bought the game. The game got great reviews but there was one hugeproblem with the game that noone ever mentioned; and thata the fact that the game was way too easy. I beat the game and dont even know what happens when yor health drops to zero,my health never reached the botton once, also once our magic reaches a decent level you can kill every enemy on the screne.
Also for something thats considered a rpg with a lot of freedom, you get much freedom, since you never realy get to talk. Also there is not too much talking to characters that dont have much to do with the story. Also you dont realy get to customise your character outside of clothing.
The game is way too short as well only took a weekend to finish and thats including evey side quest.
people were comparing this game to fallout 3, and i dont under stand fallout 3 is a much better game.
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