Who cares if their weak, underpowered system is selling like hotcakes at the moment. Anyone with half a brain knows that the Wii is nothnig more than a gimmick, and while gimmicks can be hot for a short while, the Wii craze is going to die hard.
The Wii is seriously underpowered, and it has a piss poor online system. Nintendo learns nothing with each passing generation. The n64 went with cartridges instead of cd-roms. The Nintendo Gamecube skipped the online functionality completely. And now with the Wii, Nintendo is passing on HD games, in addition to a very limited online offering. Friend codes are a horrible idea. They might fit in with Nintendo's family friendly theme, but the average or hardcore gamer wants something more akin to Xbox live. I want to game with several people online, not 2 or 3 others. Sega did that 7 years ago! That is just sorry.
And I am going to say it again: Graphics matter! The Wii has TERRIBLE graphics for a next generation machine. I can't believe how blind sheep are, going on and on about the "artistic style" of Super Paper Mario! Pluuueeeaaaze! That game looks like it can be done on the Sega Dreamcast, let alone Gamecube. Inexcusable, but hey, Nintendo is known for fluff and filler. There are how many Mario Party/sports titles now? 100,200? I stopped counting. It would be too much to ask of them to create a totally new and exciting franchise. A more adult/mature themed Nintendo game? Forget about it!! Oh but wait, according to sheep, I MUST not understand the "fun" of gaming. You have to jump on mushrooms and play Pokemon games to know the true meaning of gaming. Heaven forbid I should mention any kind of shooter/mature game. The insults come flying in with the thought of any game with guns on a Nintendo system.
Well, tough mario terds to the sheep. I wish you guys would wake up and demand more of Nintendo, a company that lost its way a decade ago, and still fail to identify what the majority of gamers (particularly in the West) want. 1: Give me good online gaming. 2: Give me a console that has adequate power to deliver realistic (not artistic!) visuals. 3: Give me a good selection of third party developer titles with mature themes! Not kiddie stuff! Pokemon, monkey ball is kiddie! I want stuff like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Quality ports of Tom Clancy games, that HAVE the online! Grand Theft Auto Wii! How about a Halo competitor for the Wii? Impossible? NO!!! But will Nintendo attempt it? Doubtful. Even some great platformer titles NOT involving mario would help.
The above listed is EXACTLY what I want, and expect from Nintendo if I am going to purchase any more of their systems. They won't get a penny more from me until they change. I'm only sorry I sold My Gamecube now, since I can't play the superior version of Resident Evil 4 anymore.
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