OnLive customer service reps tells us that the app "is still in development." If Apple rejected the OnLive Marketplace, removing it and disabling the purchase of games would be a simple fix.
The Android app has been out for a full two weeks. And the iOS app is working, 100% bug-free. There are even reviews of the app up on various tech blogs. There is something else going on here between Apple and OnLive. Games in Apple's App Store is probably one of their greatest sources of revenue. They may have some fear in allowing the OnLive app. Does Apple see OnLive as a threat?
Imagine if Sony or Microsoft released a service that allowed you to play Xbox and Playstation games on iOS devices. I could see why Apple would reject that. But OnLive?
This is just another reason why OnLive is awesome. Apple is going to lose either way. If OnLive is a huge success and Apple rejects the app, users will flee to Android. If Apple accepts the app, it will cut into their game revenue. It's a lose-lose for Apple.
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