Naturally, I'm referring to this gen and this gen only, so topics about Diablo 2, or Morrowind, or whatever I do not want to hear. Also, on consoles, NOT PC systems.
While I have played Fallout 1 and 2 which were okay at least (respective of their ages in the industry) I've yet to know what's so great about the role-playing games of this generation.
Aren't they all shooters? Take Mass Effect. It's a shooter, plain and simple, with rpg elements sown in. In fact, I remember reading ME 2 being even more streamlined as a shooter than the "role-playing" of picking dialogue and minimal story differences that companies like Bioware are so famous for. But that's another story.
Now, there is also Fallout 3. Short of it being a very bland and ugly looking game, both the third person and first person perspectives of combat shooting are annoying. When people say rpg's, I really expect rpg's, not games where I have to wiggle the analog stick around to shoot stuff. I mean I don't like the Call of Duty, Halo, and the billion 'n one shooters on the market to enjoy that type of play (unless there's auto aiming which for a non-gamer like me makes the game more fun to play).
Lastly, there's Dragon Age Origins, which I have yet to play and was sort of maybe interested in, even though the videos make the combat look not very user friendly. However, it's like I haven't yet met a game from companies like Bethesda or Bioware that don't have bugs, glitches or slowdown in their games. Last I checked, this was 2010, not 1999 or 2004 or anything. I don't appreciate elitist gamers calling these games wonderful when for me, even the slightest hindrance can be off putting for a game I'm trying to get into.
Basically, to sum it all up, I really wanted good rpg's this gen (not like I could count on rpg's from Japanese companies to be good) and was under the impression that "WRPGs" were the closest to "action role-playing" as possible, and were fun. But the fun part I have yet to discover.
Will there be any fun action rpg's (or just ones that don't involve battle load times like the games of old) this gen? I suppose hack-and-slash would be what I'm interested in if they involve levels and a random number generator that increases my stats every level or something. Just not shooters please. Unless they feature auto-aiming like GTA 4, I really don't see any fun within them.
EDIT: hmm, on second thought maybe I should just make a new topic about putting Western RPGs on a handheld? I'm a handheld gamer first and foremost, always have been. But the problem is no one on this website actually likes handhelds that much and prefer consoles...
Which may lead to the fact that developers like Bioware and Bethesda won't make a game for the DS or PSP... that's any good (I know only of Sonic Chronicles when Sega employed Bioware to develop a game)
Oh well I give up...
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