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Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?Arsenal325You don't see alot of lemmings lately cause there actually playing their games.
Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?Arsenal325
Sure you have.
Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. Arsenal325
i think it was around 10.000 lemmings wasn't it. lots of posts, yep, i can remember.
Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?Arsenal325
I'm actually seeing the opposite. A lot of cows dumping their PS3 for the XBox 360. Not sure why. If you have a PS3 and your a hardcore gamer, just get both systems. I have all 3 now and I'm not disappointed at all. I was able to get my PS3 at the right price. Systems Wars is infested with both cows and lemmings. The reason you are probably seeing more cows now is because the PS3 is finally at a decent price and there are actually a few more quality titles on the PS3 to discuss.
if you mean that more people will buy a PS3 in the future, than yes. and will there be more PS3's sold than 360's in the future? possibly.
It doesn't mean lemming will turn into cows. some people are just gamers. some people have more than 1 console
[QUOTE="Arsenal325"]Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?H3llstrikeYou don't see alot of lemmings lately cause there actually playing their games.
Or they can be dealing with Microsoft on how to get their broken 360 to be fixed ASAP.
You don't see alot of lemmings lately cause there actually playing their games.[QUOTE="H3llstrike"][QUOTE="Arsenal325"]Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?MaximumD
Or they can be dealing with Microsoft on how to get their broken 360 to be fixed ASAP.
Why? Seriously is this needed?[QUOTE="MaximumD"]You don't see alot of lemmings lately cause there actually playing their games.[QUOTE="H3llstrike"][QUOTE="Arsenal325"]Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?H3llstrike
Or they can be dealing with Microsoft on how to get their broken 360 to be fixed ASAP.
Why? Seriously is this needed?Was your post needed? No. you're both making derogatory comments that serve no purpose other than to annoy people and distract from the real topic...... I'm a hypacrite. I know! I know!
I havent noticed that, I have noticed more 360 fanboys than ps3 fanboys. Dont know why, also why do you call eachother lemmings and cows just because someone likes a console you don't. Its weird, man I will never understand fanboys, code for NerdsNinjaMunkey01
yeah there are more lemmings right now.. there have been since around 2006.. but lately ive been seeing more and more cows.. you should have seen systems wars months ago... not a cow in sight just about..
[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"]I havent noticed that, I have noticed more 360 fanboys than ps3 fanboys. Dont know why, also why do you call eachother lemmings and cows just because someone likes a console you don't. Its weird, man I will never understand fanboys, code for NerdsArsenal325
yeah there are more lemmings right now.. there have been since around 2006.. but lately ive been seeing more and more cows.. you should have seen systems wars months ago... not a cow in sight just about..
That's because they ran away after last years E3. There were a lot more cows here then. So of them are just now coming back. I'm glad, some of those guys were much better posters than what passes for a cow these days.Nope.BioShockOwnz
I don't understand.....what would it matter?
If you want ra-ra comradery, join a club, not a forum.
I have been seeing this for some time at a very small scale that's picking up now that the PS3 is getting a large number of games and a large number coming out soon. It could be that SW will get very quite within the next few months because there won't be much for the lemmings to use to hold there product up.
I don't understand.....what would it matter?
If you want ra-ra comradery, join a club, not a forum.
He asked a question, I answered honestly. What do you want?
I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3.the_new_neo
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
[QUOTE="the_new_neo"]I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3.Arsenal325
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
I just got a PS3 because of the price drop of the 60GB being for a limited time, otherwise I would have a 360 along with my Wii. With the 40GB version having no BC and the 360 getting a price drop, I made the right choice IMO.
[QUOTE="the_new_neo"]I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3.Arsenal325
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
You should go buy a 360 for 280 bucks, you don't know what ur missing out on :)
[QUOTE="Arsenal325"][QUOTE="the_new_neo"]I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3._KenKittyragi_
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
You should go buy a 360 for 280 bucks, you don't know what ur missing out on :)
oh god the arcade pack is horriableI think cows got a bit of confidence when Mass Effect flopped. Made me laugh a bit since it's still a better game than Uncharted, just failed to live up to it's excessive hype. I did try to warn my fellow lemmings, but they wouldn't listen.
Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?Arsenal325
I predicted this months ago so it doesn't surprise me at all. Next year they will be WAY more cows in system wars.
[QUOTE="the_new_neo"]I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3.Arsenal325
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
I only bought a 360 because the PS3 was delayed. That said, I'm glad I did and won't be getting rid of it.[QUOTE="Arsenal325"][QUOTE="the_new_neo"]I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3.SolidSnake35
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
I only bought a 360 because the PS3 was delayed. That said, I'm glad I did and won't be getting rid of it.So you're a cow with a Xbox 360?
[QUOTE="Arsenal325"][QUOTE="the_new_neo"]I think alot of 360 gamers will sell theirs in for a PS3. I know a couple of guys who just bought the 360 as a filler console during the time they couldn't afford a PS3._KenKittyragi_
yeah thats what i did.. i just used 360 as the console until ps3 came out.. once ps3 came outand my 360 broke. i sold it to my friend.. that was around a month ago when i sold it and my friend JUST NOW fixed it.. took him awhile but i guess now he says he can play burned games.. haha
You should go buy a 360 for 280 bucks, you don't know what ur missing out on :)
yeah I heard the RROD is pretty damn awesome ;)
[QUOTE="MaximumD"]You don't see alot of lemmings lately cause there actually playing their games.[QUOTE="H3llstrike"][QUOTE="Arsenal325"]Lately ive been seeing alot of lemmings saying they are going to sell there 360 for ps3.. plus ive been looking at the forumn number and the ps3 boards are starting to catch up with the 360 board.. its around 625,000 to 700,000.. i member when it was like 900,000 to 400,000.. whats going on? system wars used to be lemming infested and now ive been seeing a good amount of cows.. what will systems wars be like a year from now?H3llstrike
Or they can be dealing with Microsoft on how to get their broken 360 to be fixed ASAP.
Why? Seriously is this needed?I really don't see how his post was any different than yours.
I don't understand.....what would it matter?
If you want ra-ra comradery, join a club, not a forum.
He asked a question, I answered honestly. What do you want?
Agreed. BioShock turns off the fanboy for a moment and someone still accuses him :P
Nope is the winner of this thread. Nope is the only right answer. /thread?
[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"] I only bought a 360 because the PS3 was delayed. That said, I'm glad I did and won't be getting rid of it.Dusty-Ps3So you're a cow with a Xbox 360? No, I'm just a guy with some consoles.
I see the exact opposite. Seems less and less cows on the forum. I think more and more know now that PS3 did not come close to living up to the hype.Eltroz
Or, quite possibly, more and more of us are fed up with being outnumbered 10 to 1 and being "owned" by hamfisted rudimentary arguments that make no sense because around here its quantity > quality. Or maybe it's the fact that Gamespot doesn't even seem to play games before rating them. Another idea is that the mods are obviously biased and have modded most of us so many times only the true gluttons for punishment will come back and sacrifice free speech to hear dumb arguments like TEH PS3 HAS NO GAMES!!!!!!
Seriously check out NeoGAF forums for an example of what internet forums are supposed to be. I'm glad I started going there recently because it makes GS forums look like the nursery it really is.
[QUOTE="Dusty-Ps3"][QUOTE="SolidSnake35"] I only bought a 360 because the PS3 was delayed. That said, I'm glad I did and won't be getting rid of it.SolidSnake35So you're a cow with a Xbox 360? No, I'm just a guy with some consoles.
Wait, what? We can't easily classify and generalize you so it's easier to picture you as some stereotype we can hate and thus go to war against? THAT, MY FRIEND, IS UN-AMERICAN!
Accept your role as a farm animal so we can continue mindlessly slapping eachother around with stupid generalities and doing Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo's work for them. You are an opponent, a target, and a whipping boy, here for the amusement of others. Know your place!
The Cows are taking over system wars in a huge way,
With Lemmings, Sheep and Hermits off actually playing games it seems that Cows are the only ones left hanging around SW with any numbers anymore.
Although many of them did vanish for eight hours after Uncharted came out, then they all came back....
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