I watched the trailer for Scorn and I was left quite horrified by it. The weird bony, membrane-like art style on everything is pretty much deep into the uncanny valley.
I have played plenty of horror games that I enjoyed but I'm pretty sure I won't enjoy this one. The same goes for that Agony game. These games are going too far, in my opinion. Yes, Scorn has not released yet and we've barely seen anything but I feel like it's going down a very similar path to the one Agony took. That is to just make everything in the game have an unsettling aesthetic. From the very ground your character walks on to the monster designs, it tries to be as repulsive as possible. Having seen some Let's Plays on Youtube of Agony, the game was constantly just killing off the shock or frightening effect of any encounter by the overbearing environment that the player has to move through. The game wasn't making my heart race, it wasn't a frightening experience. And I don't see how Agony could get any more scarier. It's just a game going all in with its disgusting art style plus a few gruesome scenes and that's about it..
I get a similar vibe from the Scorn trailer. A game that won't scare or frighten me but will definitely try its best to disgust me and throw me with as much uncanny as possible. Desensitizing a player from the get-go and then constantly trying to scare/shock the player. Not a good idea, in my opinion.
I know I haven't actually played these games yet and it's only based on what I've seen.
I think I've seen enough though.
Here's the trailer for Scorn:
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