Pretty simple question for SW posters here. X1, PS4, and other console lineups shouldn't constantly get flops especially from reading other reviews. Do you think Mchshea is a tool or a great leader to the minions?
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I don't think in terms of flops. Usually, anything 7/10 or better is good enough for me to play. Anything lower and I'd have to read what drove the score down. If what drove the score down isn't something I care about, then I'd probably buy the game anyway.
An 8/10 is a must-buy to me.
Flops are what fanboys do unto themselves.
Obviously, I go to the whole review before making a decision to buy the game. That or look for a demo if available.
I bet the McShea reviews were getting more hits than the rest of the site's content combined. Yes I do think his work had an effect on the direction the site has been going lately. They'll do anything for the clicks.
Tom MsShill's reviews are trash. He underrated GOTG TLOU to troll for hits and overrated the shit out of that garbage beyond two souls. Plus his lisp is really annoying. If Mike Tyson was white and dying from a degenerative disease he would be Tom MsShill.
I think 8's are the new nines.... and 9's are the new 9.5. I'll be honest I dont care about reviews anymore, if a game looks decent you can usually tell, by watching a good gameplay video of the game. I'll give an example, I didnt need any one to tell me, that Burnout 3 was going to be an amazing game. Just by watching the previews, and looking at screenshots, I knew the game was going to be amazing. Gamespot may as well be using a 5 point scale IMO, I mean whats the difference between a 4, and a 5.Going by their own definition, its poor, and mediocre.
McShea only brought truth. If other editors follow suit instead of being intimidated by hype and production values, then this can only be a good thing.
Nah this always happens with launch games, people expect the world and instead get (mostly) generic games not dissimilar to previous generations.
Getting rid of the .5 increments has its effects.
Either that, or the reviewers are just having unrealistic expectations for the new gen's launch games this time around. Something definitely seems different because games like PDZ and Resistance 1 probably would have been both 6s or less on this site had they came out now.
I am amazed people actually thought the launch titles for PS4 and XB1 were going to earn mostly 8s and 9s.
It probably has more to do with the lack of .5 increments. Most of the launch titles on both sides were most likely rounded down.
Most likely. Did you get a PS4 Navy?
No, i preordered the Watch Dogs bundle but it was delayed so I think im going to wait until spring........if i can lol.
Add to that the fact that the launch PS4s are having issues, it kind of worked out for me.
Flops only happen when people hype the game up or expect it to be amazingly amazing. Just like with Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack.
Getting rid of the .5 increments has its effects.
still dont get why they got rid of it.
they can follow jesus for all i care, gamespot is already a joke in everything gaming related, before anyone asks, yes im here for the forums.
Gamespots quality has increasingly declined over the years. They are a joke as a media source for games. I was here during the tail end of the golden years. Early 06-07. Now their redesign has also caused a major migration in users.
Gamespots quality has increasingly declined over the years. They are a joke as a media source for games. I was here during the tail end of the golden years. Early 06-07. Now their redesign has also caused a major migration in users.
I'd say from 05-08 were the golden years, then everything started going downhill from there. Damn I miss those amazing years here..
What made those years great was the permissiveness in posting, which GS is trying to get back. The real problem came a few years ago when they cracked down on all trolling and negativity. There were many hilarious users who were banned. Understandable, but regrettable. This is an entertainment site after all.
All the modern changes are for the better imo. If you think that the McShea hate is extreme now it is nothing compared to what came before with the reviewers we had then. Claimage ownage over a 0.01 difference in score meant it was easier to make enemies. I remember when a 9.0 was considered a flop for many games since the AAA games were fighting over the 9.5-9.9 range. So GS is using the whole scale now... this is good.
I don't see the problem with the re design. It wasn't the first. At least now it is mobile-friendly. This is overdue imo.
they can follow jesus for all i care, gamespot is already a joke in everything gaming related, before anyone asks, yes im here for the forums.
What website is not "a joke in everything gaming related"?
I'm sincerely curious what is now considered the pseudo-intellectual, non "sell out", reasonable and upstanding gaming website...
all reviewers are bias to one and done movie games, they dont have time to replay games, they want a singular 6-8 hour experience.
thats why games these days have no replayability or gameplay to speak of. Its all about the 6 hour linear sequences with intense set pieces,
Im liking the fact that Gamespot has been entirely strict, only games that truly deserve it are getting 9's
Sometimes it gets iffy, like Carolyn being the wrong person to review Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Tom reviewing Last of Us, but even then they are their own opinions of the matter
I get the impression that many Gamespot editors/reviewers are hipsters. They just love giving out contradictory scores just to make sure they are viewed outside of mainstream thinking . You tend to get these types in all media. Music journalists and film critics who wax lyrical about a film/album everyone else hates and declare them cult hits and rubbish the popular choices.
TLOU review was a prime example of that. Tom even admits so in his bio. Stating that he loves all the things you hate and vice versa. A hipster in the sea of hipsters. A few reviewers just seem to miss the point of some games. They are just so out of touch with the gamer that their reviews stand out like a sore thumb. Look at Tom's Bioshock Infinite review. Pure and utter drivel.
i personally like that gamespot is using the actual 1-10 scale, and not just rating everything 7-10 like other sites.
By the way XCOM Bureau scored 6.5 here on GS yet I enjoyed it, though the game irritated me at times but not for the reasons found in the review.
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