I will just throw this out there, it is not a written truth, just my take on the matter. Fee lfree to correct or disagree.
All RPGs stem from thier PnP namesakes, they are by design complicated, heavily based on making belivable Worlds and have consequences to the choices.
In the beginning neither WRPGs or JRPGS were all that popular (well to be honest we are talking at a point before the distintion was even made. They were overly complex and very hard to get into by the average gamer.
Then the RPG Developers followed the Wizardry series which did remove some of the clutter, and dragged in the influence of visual novels which were somewhat gaining. By dropping some of difficulty of the systems, making it more acceserable JRPGS began to see alot of sucess.
WPGS trailed behind in this reguard, still aiming at the PnP inspirations and what those aimed for, which gave us the wonderful, but likewise hard to get into games like Baldurs gate, and Fallout (they were not the beginning of these, I think we can agree that Might and Magic, Wasteland and Ultima all made sucess beforehand, but these games paved the way for the WRPG as we know them, very true to the Origin of the genre, yet despite critical acclaim not that sucessful financially.
Which in turn made WRPGs begin to drop alot of the intricate systems that was under the Visuals, removing options for players in order to make WRPGS have more mass appeal. I think we could point to NWN as the beginning here. The overall World mattered less the focus was on you the "hero" quickly followed by Morrowing and others WHO also departed from its harder predecessors.
JRPGs aimed at telling a linier story, and WRPGS aimed at focusing on the hero, namely "you".
The degeneration of the RPGs continued on both, but having begun sooner the JRPGs finally reached a point where players could hardly recognize the gameplay which they were seeking, it had been swapped for so low a difficulty curve that in alot of times tactical awareness was not needed, dungeons were pitiful, and everything had become stripped in order to tell a story, nearly killing off the RPG part of the JRPG (closer to a visual novel in alot of ways). I think FF13 was the culmination where the fans finally had enough, FF15 while looking interresting confusingly enough look like another genre entirely.
Now you may not have ben paying attention, but WRPGs are following suit fast, for each game in a series RPG elements are being torn out to make it moreemediate, easier to understand, and focus even more on "you the hero" It is not JUST JRPGS people are complaining about.
Oblivion while pretty was a joke of an RPG, and Skyrim even more so, they were closer to first person action games. Mass Effect 2 effectively killed of most of what made it an rpg between the first and the second. And even the witcher 2 (abeit still rather "hardcore and niché by the standards" were far more tame then the first one.
My guess is that is why we have had so many kickstarter RPGs selling us on the "old school way" bringing the RPGs back to the roots, or atleast the golden era with Black Isle.
On the JRPG front, it is not that they are gone, but people abandoned thier beloved series to seek out games in the genre that still offered what was needed. Persona being an example here (Even bringing some choice back to the JRPGs) And games like Demon's Souls (I do not consider them RPGs, rather I consider them Dungeon crawlers, I tend to think of them as the Modern Diablo games) Saw huge popularity due to the need to think, understand the World, and not pull out more and more game systems in order to make the pretty story Progress, or make you feel like an unstoppable hero.
Long read I know, but maybe my rather odd idea may hold atleast a few drops of Water.
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