They can be, but a laptop will cost far more than a desktop of similar power, so if you're worried about price and thinking of buying a laptop....well...... :P
My brother bought himself a gaming laptop (since he travels frequently), and after we ran our computers through some benchmark tests we found that his laptop was practically equal to my desktop in power. The only difference is that his laptop still costs roughly $1000, and I bought my desktop PC + 24" 1080p monitor for $800 total nearly 2 years ago!
Other drawbacks beyond price that laptops come with is that the monitors typically aren't 1080p, but instead lower resolutions because laptop screens are generally smaller as is, there are heat issues when you game for too long (if you play graphic-intensive games), you can't upgrade them easily, and for me personally I hate laptop keyboards and I hate how the monitor is attached directly to the keyboard (I like how my desktop monitor is raised six inches off my desk).
I wouldn't recommend a laptop for any reason other than you travel frequently. If you're going to game at home there's no reason you should not buy a desktop for gaming because a laptop is worse in every department except portability.
I have to say I could care less about 1080p to me itsjust more stress on the hardware when 1680x1050 looks more or less the same.. With any differences can be covered up with the use of AA.. Its far more future proof imo.. Because if you play anything below the said 1080p thanks to it being a lcd, it will look awful.. And nothing is stopping you from tv outing yoru laptop and using a usb keyboard.
There's less stress in running my games at 1920x1080 with no AA than there is at running them at 1680x1050 with AA, and as far as I'm concerned there's better picture quality running it at 1920x1080 to begin with, so I always choose that if I can.
And you're right. You CAN hook up your laptop to a tv, and use a USB keyboard, but why? Don't you buy a laptop because you want portability? It seems kinda stupid to use a laptop just as you would a desktop especially for gaming. At that point you're just paying more, and getting less.
Yet again those are options on top of it.. In the end Laptop gaming has never been better with how powerful they are at how cheap they are.. They of course will always be more expensive but your paying for a portable product.. IN the end its pointless to discuss it because its a matter of tastes.. I like them both.. And yet again 1080p is overrated especially with a LCD where your forced to stay in that resolution always..
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