Currently, I'm writing an editorial about how Nintendo may be seeing the last of its home console days (I'm not a Nintendo hater, I'd fashion myself a chimaera on the loylty scale), and that it may be on the way out of the hardware business. And that it may be possible that more indie focused console like Ouya, and the possible Apple and Google consoles may start entering more prominence thanks to the rise of casual play.
I just wanted to see if I am alone on the thought that Nintendo may actually be dying. Do you all think it's actually possible? I see it as being possible. Wii U is having serious issues gaining traction, as a lot of people don't even think it exists. The Core audience doesn't have a lot to look forward too from them (Im sorry, Zelda, Mario and Smash Bros just isn't enough), and their precious casual market is losing interest. I could see them continuing to produce handhelds, as they are the clear king of that market. Though dropping out and not making a Gen 9 console may happen.
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