I blame the RPG, but why is it that every video game needs to be over 60 hours long anymore? Granted some games are designed to be long like Oblivion, Dark Cloud 2, and the Nippon Ichi games, but other games that try to be long but are really just short games in disguise. I rewad the back of Rogue Galaxy...OVER 100 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY!...whoopdie doo?
Tales of Symphonia was eighty hours long. I played it for thirty, discovered the gameplay wasn't interesting enough to keep me satisfied for fifty more hours and stopped. Twilight Princess, if you do everything, was supposed to take seventy Nintendo said. I don't believe that...I only made it 25 before stopping. But I had a hell of a lot more fun finding everything in Link to the Past in under 20 hours. And I frequently replay Link to the Past as well. One more gripe, I promise, but Nintendo also says Super Paper Mario will take 30-40 hours was it? (again, I don't believe it) I love Mario, but a 30-40 hour platformer? That's as long as Final Fantasy VII, and it doesn't look like it would be able to sustain itself for that long. (still wanna play it though)
My favorite video games of the last generation were Resident Evil 4 and Beyond Good and Evil, both easily beaten in under 20 hours. I think length is being put on a higher priority than replay value (for business reasons as you need to buy new games if you can't replay your old ones), and replay value is sorely dieing because of it. I think the average JRPG (doesn't matter since I don't play them anymore) should be 40 hours. Riviera was a favorite JRPG of mine last generation...18 hours
Or I might just be getting older, have a job and no time for long games anymore =/
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