The TRUTH must be set strait about all these WEAK completly FALSE statements being made about RFOM having better graphics then Halo3
REssistance has some of the WORST textures you will find in a game. I mean the TEXTURES are so bad they are PS2 level and this seems to be the trend will just about all PS3 games and it's WEAK textures.
What Ressistance does have is a decent art design but thats it. So stop this cheap GARBAGE becuase we all know the TRUTH is look at ALL the GROUND and WALL and any texture work in general in Ressistance on any part of the landscape and it's TERRIBLE and we all know it.
Now For Halo 3 well it is in Beta form and i'm playing it since day one and right now as i speak also. And it is very coloful and viberant. And even in it's Beta form it SMOKES Ressistance textures on ALL landscape graphics ground wall rocks you name it is FAR better.
Look at the ground it's just TERRIBLE OATMEAL BLAH TEXTURES. So lets get are facts strait here.
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