Hard to say but probably more multiplayer overall, around 60%. It's always been like that with me, with my early systems the NES games I loved to play with family and friends couch co-op titles such as Contra, Life Force, River City Ransom, Double Dragon, etc
I would also play mp games in the arcades a lot, such as Street Fighter 2, TMNT games, NARC, Gauntlet... just to name a few. I really enjoy the competitive stuff as well, and I am good at it, games that require good hand-to-eye co-ordination and planning, I was good at that stuff since I was young and enjoy the process of getting better and using all my senses to defeat an opponent. Responsive gameplay is a must, so I like the online scene today a lot because serious devs absolutely understand the necessity to have solid netcode online and responsive gameplay. And today you can easily find such games. Gone are the days of shit ping and all kinds of online issues, although they do exist the scene is a massive improvement compared to before and players are far less forgiving towards crap.
I also love single player games, I play a lot of those as well but usually when I am more in a chilling out mood. When I play online I feel it requires more of my attention and energy.
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