I don't buy CoD often anymore, but I did buy Black Ops 4 and I must admit, I enjoy that game far more then I did with BFV. It amazes me that game kept me entertain then BFV could ever do for me.
Before I pick up Black Ops 4, my last CoD purchase was Advanced Warfare only because Kevin Spacey was the villain of the game and the campaign was awesome.
I haven't buyed any call of poopy except for black ops 3 which came with the ps4. I learned about call of poopy during modern warfare three. The other call of poopies my brother rented them. Battlefield? I haven't even known about the series until battlefield 1.
Bought the last cod and regretted it....bought the last bf and I'm enjoying it as much as the others, though BF4 was the best.
I still buy battlefields, and I don't think I've ever regretted buying a BF game. I consistently get my monies worth and then some but don't go for premium passes or any of that crap, just get the base game and play it until i'm bored.
I haven't bought a Call of Duty game since Advanced Warfare, which was a mistake. I haven't really enjoyed a Call of Duty game since Black Ops 1
I never bought Battlefield, and I only buy the Black Ops COD games. But that ended with 4 since there was no campaign :(
i havent bought a COD since modern warfare. I would like a compilation of all the SP campaigns...that would be neat. I have no interest in the MP.
i havent bought a battlefield since 4. i got 3 for free on origin and saw 4 going for 20 bucks at my local. again no interest in the MP so i dont think i am EAs target demographic with that one.
Yeah I still very much enjoy and buy Call of Duty games. I never really got into the Battlefield games. I have tried them out and they’re fine and all however there’s only so much time and there’s so many games that I like to play so it just never made the cut.
I never got into COD and will never understand the love that COD4 gets. Battlefield 2 is the real modern warfare game it did unlocks before COD but gets praise for set in modern day when BF2 did that first too. As for now the BF series is trash it's basically COD with vehicles and bigger maps and squads. I gave BF1 a chance that was a mistake the series is dead to me. I'm done with MP games they are all trash these days. In my opinion they peaked in the mid 00's and went downhill as soon as Modern Warfare came out and ruined everything.
shoah, kinda. I got BFV as a gift. And I didn't buy blops4 because of battle royale.
Don't know if I'll bother this year. AC probably still.
When it first came out I used to buy/play them (and Medal of Honor) all the time. Even belonged to a "PC Clan" and gamed on Friday nights with them back in the early 2000's on CoD. I still buy CoD because my son loves them for the MP. I'll occasionally do a match with him but that's about it. They don't grab my interest much anymore after seeing so many since the original.
Haven't bought either in years. There are just too many other games out there to waste my time on these. They aren't bad per se, but there are much better games.
I buy the CoDs, although not usually around release. I wait a few years till it’s discounted. Although I did buy Advanced Warfare on release and I really enjoyed the multiplayer.
BF I skipped this year because I felt the game bastardized history. I’ll get it second hand one day.
One thing you have to admire about CoD’s multiplayer though. They launch bug free and are playable on day one. The quality and polish of these games is industry leading. When a new shooter launches, it’s always compared to the CoD franchise. That says a lot.
i'm so starved for decent fps campaigns that i'd consider anything at this point. maybe cod will return to sp, maybe battlefield will finally produce a good campaign. i'm an eternal optimist
Well have you played:
Not all FPS but they are all first person anyway
And hey, if you do check out BF V singleplayer, I had some great fun with the Tirallieur and The Last Tiger campaigns.
i'm so starved for decent fps campaigns that i'd consider anything at this point. maybe cod will return to sp, maybe battlefield will finally produce a good campaign. i'm an eternal optimist
Well have you played:
Not all FPS but they are all first person anyway
And hey, if you do check out BF V singleplayer, I had some great fun with the Tirallieur and The Last Tiger campaigns.
all of those apart from call of juarez tbh dude (and exodus obvs - still too early to tell if that's a full price or wait for a drop game). most of those i really enjoyed.
would you recommend bfv's sp to someone who thought battlefield 1's was ok, not great?
I bought Cod WW2 and loved it, as COD1, 2 and World@War were my favorites. The boots on the ground I love in those games. The single player isn't cod2/waw level though. Those games especially cod2 were built for single player as well. Multiplayer is damn fun on WW2 and my son still prefers zombies mode on it to blops 4.
I personally can't stand blops. I liked MW1&2 and hated all the new games with special characters. I don't want to play super hero cod. Just give some class loadouts and generic soldiers. Enough with the microtransacatons and bullshit neon garish crap. That's what was great about ww2 near launch (that may have changed, haven't played in a while) there was no weed graphics on the rifles or purple hair or anything crazy like that. Sure they didn't make multiplayer historically accurate, but it at least matched theme and wasn't distracting. They didn't inject British ladies with prosthetics and Kanata wielding people like we seen with BF5 (I love battlefield but stopped after bf1. Battlefield 3 and bad company 2 were the best in my opinion).
i'm so starved for decent fps campaigns that i'd consider anything at this point. maybe cod will return to sp, maybe battlefield will finally produce a good campaign. i'm an eternal optimist
Not with EA it won't. Instead of admitting to low sales down to focusing on microtransactions, insulting the fanbase by calling people uneducated because fans called them out for not being historically accurate and having women and katana front line fighters with garish face paint and prosthetics. EA went and called fans uneducated and said don't like it don't buy it. Now after the dust settled. EA says the low sales were because they added a single player campaign. WTF... EA are the worst. No it couldn't be that you insulted your fans and insulted history? Oh and they gave that executive who left after insulting people a 40 million dollar bonus.
i'm so starved for decent fps campaigns that i'd consider anything at this point. maybe cod will return to sp, maybe battlefield will finally produce a good campaign. i'm an eternal optimist
Not with EA it won't. Instead of admitting to low sales down to focusing on microtransactions, insulting the fanbase by calling people uneducated because fans called them out for not being historically accurate and having women and katana front line fighters with garish face paint and prosthetics. EA went and called fans uneducated and said don't like it don't buy it. Now after the dust settled. EA says the low sales were because they added a single player campaign. WTF... EA are the worst. No it couldn't be that you insulted your fans and insulted history? Oh and they gave that executive who left after insulting people a 40 million dollar bonus.
reading between the lines i'm guessing you're not a huge ea fan
all of those apart from call of juarez tbh dude (and exodus obvs - still too early to tell if that's a full price or wait for a drop game). most of those i really enjoyed.
would you recommend bfv's sp to someone who thought battlefield 1's was ok, not great?
I actually had more fun with BF V's singleplayer than BF 1's.
I played them in reverse order and really enjoyed each one. Under no flag was basically a long tutorial, so I had the least fun with that one.
If you are planning to play the singleplayer alone, definitely wait for a sale.
Haven't bought a Call of Duty game since Black Ops 1. Not worth paying that much money for a 5 1/2 hour scripted corridor shoot-a-thon and other stuff I don't care about.
The only Battlefield game I've ever bought was Bad Company 2. Until they announce Bad Company 3, I'm not interested.
Last CoD I bought was Blops III. Haven't even thought about buying any since then. The way they decided to do CoD points and loot boxes completely turned me off from the series.
Last Battlefield game I played was BF2. I don't see them ever being better than that game plus, if I can avoid anything EA, I usually do.
I played CoD/Battlefield for the single player campaign.
Both companies have made it clear they don’t care about single player anymore. So I stopped buying them.
I didn’t buy CoD WW2 or BO4.
I didn’t buy Battlefield V because battlefield 1 sucked.
So it looks like I gave up on both series within the last couple years due to poor or non-existant single player campaigns.
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