Poll Are you willing to pay $ 200/year for the entire PS4-PS5/XB1-XB2 games library. Digital Rental Service. (39 votes)
That's about the same price as an entire year of Gamefly that gives you physical access to most games across many platforms.
That's about the same price as an entire year of Gamefly that gives you physical access to most games across many platforms.
No. I like to buy my games on physical formats. I want to just pay once, get the game, and have it in my collection able to play it whenever I choose to with out having to maintain a subscription.
Not if its streaming...but digital downloads? At 200 bucks? Every ps4, ps5, xb1 and xb2 game?
Kinda stupid not to.
Most Def. Will pay for gamepass and Sony equivalent. Pretty much a no brainer if you like playing games. Easily saved over $2,000.00 so far this year not having to buy games with having Gamepass.
Huge proponent of the sub services for games. Depending on what happens today with game pass I might get another an Xbox and game pass.
No. At best, I'll subscribe on a monthly basis, play the games in the library I care for, then cancel.
Subscription services might very well raise the floor for guaranteed revenue, but it caps the ceiling immensely. My thinking is MS is doing whatever it has to in order to make their division look as good as it can on paper because their projects aren't performing at retail anywhere near the same levels as Sony and Nintendo.
I have no interest in the PS5 and any Xbox. Most of the exclusives the fanboys fawn over are dull. Overly obsessed with following gaming trends and cinema. I find it over and over again, most recently with Spider-Man, which I picked up on Friday and so far feels like a Ubisoft clone and Arkham ripoff. Western console developers and their consumers have no taste. I'll stick with PC and maybe Nintendo going forward.
Meh! Make all these games free with ads and I might bite. :P
I won't mind this.
A.) The screen will downsize a bit with a short and small ad somewhere on the edges.
B.) product placement as background items in the game or advertised in NPC clothing. Don't be surprised goons start wearing nikes and addidas.
Not if its streaming...but digital downloads? At 200 bucks? Every ps4, ps5, xb1 and xb2 game?
Kinda stupid not to.
Only for 1 platform though so that $ 200 per year only gets you ALL digital PS4 and PS5 games included both as digital downloads and streaming. I feel this is nearing and end all be all for gaming but I guess it's more realistic to have multiple "netflixes" like what's been happening with streaming services post netflix' massive success, creating division for higher expenses.
PS. I don't collect games. They're mostly disposable imo due to the output rate of the industry.
Of course, it'd be stupid to pass that up. That's the cost of less than four games. I seriously hope any person that enjoys video games plays at least six games per year (I probably enjoy dozens myself, and I'd argue even casual gamers play at least one per month).
It's time to go digital once and for all. Yeah it's a bummer you don't get to sell your hardcopies back to Gamestop any more, but it's time to realize that this is a better deal. Holding on to the notion that physical media is better than digital is is misplaced sentiment at best.
It's not like you actually owned the game in the first place; physical or digital, it's still the publisher's IP to do with what they please.
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