That was revealed by Bohemia themselves during this year?s E3. The studio is currently in the process of upgrading from PhysX 2 to PhysX 3.0 and that?s one of the reasons why ArmA 3?s Community Alpha has been pushed back ? which is currently slated for an August release. ArmA 3?s Multiplayer mode will also support PhysX effects, so kudos to Bohemia for going into the extra trouble of upgrading to PhysX 3.0.
In case you were unaware of, PhysX V3 is a major rewrite of the PhysX SDK. The new design incorporates the changes that have occurred in the gaming industry in a way to enable it to easily evolve in order to accommodate new platforms and future game design transitions. The biggest feature of PhysX V3 is its effective multi-threaded support, meaning that all PhysX V3 applications will enjoy much greater benefit from multi-core processors than could ever be achieved with earlier versions of PhysX.
So this is CPU-based PhysX correct?
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