As we all know 2 amazing games are coming out the name of mass effect and assassins creed.....I have a terrible choice to make here......which is to buy only 1......Can someone please try to move me towards buying a certain game and its benefits......
My favourite RPG of all time is easily and bioware RPG :( ....I simply love playing those RPG's they are amazing and masterful and simply in the utter meaning of the word......AMAZING....and mass effect looks to be the next great bioware RPG.
Whats annoying is that my favourite Action adventure game of all time is the POP series :(....loved every second of them....the gameplay was for me as good as it can get...and this is made by the exact same company.....and to make matters worse its based around the crusades which I find looking through the trailers I can that a lot of arabic is spoken......and since I can speak arabic...and with the whole middleastern theme I wanna see how they handle it.
There is a third choice I can do.......which is basically I can trade in a few games to accumlate to the price of any one of these 2 games....I have so far in owning my xbox for 2 month acquired;
Gears of war.....Crackdown.......Bioshock (Tin edition).......Halo 3 limited edition
Looking at it on the internet...The trade in value of any 2 of these games would accumlate to the price of an extra game....should I go with this option......I mean personally I don't see myself playing bioshock and crackdown ever again for atleast a year odd.....finished both of them atleast 4 times each......I love gears of war too much to think about it......and halo 3 limited edition doesn't bother me too much.
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