Poll Art Design: Witcher 3 Vs. Dark Souls 3 (60 votes)
Dark Souls 3 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt both are great RPG games with great art designs , it’s really hard to choose one over the other, In one hand you have Witcher 3 with its rich colorful environments and in the other there’s Dark Souls with its captivating surrealistic atmosphere, not to mention the great boss designs however in terms of art and concept designs …I would go with DS3 , don’t get me wrong I’m a crazy fan of CDPR and unlike witcher 3 I didn’t put much time into Dark Souls 3 ,as I said before I found whole soul series so depressing ,dark souls always been a never-ending loop of darkness and during this 50 hours I’ve been only in four places, High Wall of Lothric, Cemetery of Ash, Undead settlements and Path of Sacrifice … but it sill won’t stop me from admiring the beauty in the game, what makes Dark Sousl makes more interesting to me is the surrealism ,when I look at Dark Souls art works I get the same vibe that I get from looking Salvador Dali’s paintings ….an imaginary world with huge buildings and humanoid monsters, sometimes it makes me wonder if miayzaki got some of his inspirations from Silmarillion and lord of the rings movie. In witcher 3 , the world is more realistic and so peaceful there’s wide diversity of areas that offer you a great view of beautiful landscapes and eastern European ancestry, monsters design are great though I still can’t put them in the same level with Dark Souls 3. …So which game do you think has a better art design ?
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