Let's see
VF5 online for the 360, plus a lot of other improvements over the PS3 version.
Metal of Honor Delayed for the PS3.
Price cut was actually just a one week Target sale.
No car Damage for GT5, it's now the REAL BUMPER CAR SIMULATOR
No word on when or if DiRT will come out on the PS3, even though it is suppose to be the lead platform for this game which is getting great reviews and selling well on the 360.
All 2007 Football games will ONLY run at 30 FPS on the PS3 while the 360 gets 60 FPS in them. This aint all EA's fault either as 2k sports couldn't get 60FPS on the PS3 either.
And this is just BAD NEWS to come out THIS week. Let's not forget the tons of bad news that have been hampering the PS3 since 2005.
So wouldn't it totaly suck if you spent a butt load of money on the PS3 as it currently is a door stop for gaming and then see the cheaper older 360 get the better versions of games and get the majority of games sooner? It's gotta hurt for PS3 owners.
There's bad news regarding just about everything all the time. The media doesn't go out of their way to report the good stuff, because it's not as "interesting."
[QUOTE="Ryeferd"] VF5 online for the 360, plus a lot of other improvements over the PS3 version.
not a big fighting game fan
Metal of Honor Delayed for the PS3.
If it's decent, I plan on getting it for 360 anyway
Price cut was actually just a one week Target sale.
I already payed for my PS3, why should I care about a price drop?
No car Damage for GT5, it's now the REAL BUMPER CAR SIMULATOR
The damage in the Forza 2 demo didn't exactly impress me. until they can do it right, I'd rather them not do it at all
No word on when or if DiRT will come out on the PS3, even though it is suppose to be the lead platform for this game which is getting great reviews and selling well on the 360.
if I wanted it, I would have already bought the 360 version. Motorstorm was way more fun than DiRT (though I only played the demo)
All 2007 Football games will ONLY run at 30 FPS on the PS3 while the 360 gets 60 FPS in them. This aint all EA's fault either as 2k sports couldn't get 60FPS on the PS3 either.
not a sports game fan
none of that is really "bad news" to me, so i really don't care.
Wouldn't it be easier to just say: "Yeah, Sony is not doing as good as i would have hoped." Instead this just sounds like complete garbage.
Wouldn't it have been easier for you not to post anything here? I mean seriously, the post you made has nothing relevant and truly is garbage.
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