If Sony wants to recapture the crown, they need to move away from value-added hardware like the Playstation Move and roll out more new IPs and exclusives from their first party studios and start lining more exclusives from third-parties as well. And they can't be generic alien shooters like Resistance or Killzone either. Personally, I am not interested in many of the current "exclusive" franchises that Sony has to offer at the moment: Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, or Infamous. I want something new. Something more fresh. Something more innovative, more intriguing..
I loved MGS4 and Heavy Rain, but these exclusives are not enough. Why couldn't the PS3 have cool games like Alan Wake, or Fable 3 ?
Anyone agree?
360's big (AAE+) exclusives are Halo 3, Halo ODST, Halo Reach (generic alien shooters), Gears 2 (generic alien shooter), Forza 2 and 3 (racer), Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4 (racers), Alan Wake (adventure), and Fable 2 (action-adventure/rpg).PS3's big exclusives are MGS4 (stealth/tps), Uncharted 1, 2 (platformer/action-adventure), GoW3 (hack and slash), Demons Souls (action rpg), Infamous (open world action-adventure), kz2 (generic alien shooter), Resistance 1 and 2 (generic alien shooters), gt5 (racer), LBP (platformer/action/crazy genre defying community built levels game), Heavy Rain (adventure), Ratchet and Clank future (action/platformer), Valkyria Chronicles (SRPG), Warhawk (battlefield infantry/tank/plane/etc game), MNR (kart racer), MAG (massive multiplayer shooter), heavenly sword (hack and slash), Motorstorm PR (racer)...
I think I missed a couple for both systems, but overall, seems to me like PS3 offers a lot more variety and innovation in their exclusives.
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