[QUOTE="superkoolstud"][QUOTE="KingsofQueens"][QUOTE="jedigemini"]360 and PS3 share a lot in common; ie, the same games, high end graphics and pricetags. MS pretty much walked in and cut Sony's marketshare in half, stole many of their third party exclusives (GTA, DMC 4 and counting)... and now niether brand is left with any real differentiation.... while Nintendo offers something different and is getting all of the glory.
Sony and MS are so busy fighting for scraps in the remaining console market that they lost sight of Nintendo who just walked in and stole the next gen prize without even breaking a sweat by expanding the market.
Of course, MS doesnt actually have a chance to win this generation (how can you without Japan or Europe lol), but they've helped take enough away from Sony to leave the door wide open for Nintendo... and the Wii's success just means a hell of a lot more games for us sheep once 3rd parties are finished playing catch up.
Thanks :)
Keep dreaming, delusional Sheep :lol:
Fanboyism at its lowest :lol:
Its not delusion, Many companies have recently starting to put efforts into pumping out Wii titles BECAUSE IT IS THE TOP SELLER and we should see results in about a year. Do you not read the freaking news?
This is just like the PS2 even though the Xbox and GCN had better hardware and graphics PS2 got the majority of the games because it was the top seller.
Xbox and GC had better hardware...but NOT SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER. RE4 for PS2 is proven of that. GoW2 is proven of that.
Difference between PS2 and Wii is simple: Wii is more targeted for family entertainment, everyone is welcome. This has been Nintendo's staple since day one, with FAMIcom or FAMILY COMPUTER. To this day, every gamer has read about Nintendo's concept of kid-friendly games and family oriented games. Which is why many non-gaming casuals are flocking to the Wii because of it's image, not just its simplicity and fun factor its creating. And Which is why only some serious gamers and casual gamers are flocking to Wii.
PS2 has been a machine known to have violent theme games as well as games for everyone, but clearly with titles like DMC, Twisted Metal Black, MGS2, FF series, R&C etc, they were all geared towards well informed gamers, not just the Gaming Casuals (the ones who know some info about games) as oppose to the Non-Gaming Casuals (Wii's expanded market, who know nothing about gaming at all, includes Grandparents, uncles, Parents, non gamers, etc).
There's NO guarantee the majority of the gaming casuals & serious gamers will accept or buy the games that will be on Wii since most don't care about 3rd party games on any Nintendo consoles (since N64) in the first place.
I said all this yesterday, but Sheep don't seem to understand this (I had to differentiate Non-gaming Casual vs Gaming Casuals).
Look at it this way I am a Multi-System owner I buy them all just to have them. My Wii? I RARELY play it, DS I own 2 games and I rarely play it. Now that games like RE4 are going to be more common place and Wii is shifting towards more violentgames I will play it more, alot more. Just like you said PS2 has Violent games for the Core and family friendly for the family, Wii is going the same route.  What you don't realize is its the 3rd party dev who decides which system is kiddy and which is for the core. They make this decision by releasing games. GCN didn't have very many violent games and got the kiddy image because of it, it was also last place in sales. The goal of a dev is to sell as many copies of a game as possible and during the last gen it didn't make sense to release games for GCN. This has all changed, now Wii is #1and at its current rate will surpass the 360's install base. Deevs realize this now and have come to the conclusion that if they don't make their games for Wii then they won't make much money. Hence the recent announcements of new violent games like Scarface World is Yours, Manhunt 2 and RE:UC. At first alot of ports will be released bcause it is the fastest way to get games out,Soon though more new titles will be announce.Â
Nintendo is going to prevail over Microsoft as it has already prevailed over Sony twice. Â
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