[QUOTE="ianuilliam"][QUOTE="Veterngamer"] Ummm.... I've just started playing Assassins Creed and I have some input.
First of all, the game is stunning to look at, even with the pop-in and minor screen tearing. Animations are top-notch, the free climbing, go (almost) anywhere is pretty cool.
My problem comes with the combat. I've only got like 5-6 health bars, but when I engage a Templar I just get my A** handed to me... is this supposed to be the case, or do I just suck at the game right now? I can't seem to land a hit and all of my attacks get blocked..... I was only successful fighting them, by running in circles while on a horse slashing them, or by running full speed at them and hack & slash them to death b4 they could get their weapon unsheathed.
But, when forced to stand toe to toe with a Templar it always ends the same way, with me on my back, and a quick reload.
Templars are tough early on. The difference between a guard at the beginning of the game and a Templar is incredible. By the end, however, there's not as much difference. Some of the average guards are almost as tough as the templars, and you may be fighting many of them at once. The thing about the templars and some of the higher tier enemies is, they block well, and will use counters and counter grabs same as you. They have block breaker moves, same as you, that can't be countered. And sometimes, they are just jerks and will use them over and over. The fights at the end of the game; I may play through it once, and go through all of it and counter everything perfectly and not take a hit, and then play it again and have to reload 5 times. You may be master at counters, but when sorrounded by templars and their ilk, you can die really fast.
OKay, so the problem most likely isnt me then....good to know.... I'll keep at it... I'm sure once I progress and get a little more practice with the fighting system, I won't have as much trouble.... thx for the response.
Yeah, you get better, and you get more abilities as you gain ranks by completing missions. early on, all ya got is attacks, later you have counters, grab-breaks, dodges, block-breaking, and extra damage. If worse comes to worse, run, then turn, lock on, and throw daggers (once you get them). Also, if you can approach one without him seeing you, you can assassinate with the hidden blade. I've only gotten it to work on 2 out of about 40 templars though. They are very observant.
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