The game mechanics evolved between games all up to Black Flag, probably the biggest shake-up happened with Unity. I get the feeling they opted more for the RPG progression probably in attempt to incorporate the online design into the main game but couldn't make major progress developing online environment beyond co-op missions. Worse too is they nerfed the combat. Guns would take multiple shots to kill enemies even with the best ones equipped in Unity.
One of the most impressive things about Unity was the crowd size but the gameplay being nerfed killed the fun when dying meant sitting through long ass load screens. I even remember they took out corner luring and takedowns, that was either Unity or Syndicate but such a bullshit design choice.
Seems they were reacting to people complaining the combat was too easy. They had advanced combat mechanics so much over the years and rather than compensate with new enemies and AI behavior and tactics and mission design, they just nerfed the players instead.
They already played the "return to roots" card with Syndicate by not having online built in. This wasn't a conscious design choice. The game was originally built with co-op in mind, hence the two characters, they just couldn't get it done in time so they scrapped the co-op. The progression system too was built off Unity's direction where it was like a online progression system with overly nerfed weapons and equipment.
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