It seems that GS let flashy graphics fool theminto that AC is a better action game than GoWII. What a joke.
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It seems that GS let flashy graphics fool theminto that AC is a better action game than GoWII. What a joke.
Assassin's Creed is the biggiest JOKE! of the year. The game sucks Monkey ****. GOW 2 was way better. flaa2000... I thought Assassin's Creed was a great game. :?
[QUOTE="flaa2000"]Assassin's Creed is the biggiest JOKE! of the year. The game sucks Monkey ****. GOW 2 was way better. Stevo_the_gamer... I thought Assassin's Creed was a great game. :?
... I thought Assassin's Creed was a great game. :?[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="flaa2000"]Assassin's Creed is the biggiest JOKE! of the year. The game sucks Monkey ****. GOW 2 was way better. flaa2000
When God of War II came out, my friend instantly bought it and finished it and let me play it afterwards. I beat it too and walked away remarking I probably just finished the best pure action game of my life.
That same friend bought Assassin's Creed. I saw him play it and I couldn't care less. I wanted Assassin's Creed to be good. I wanted to like the game. I wanted to have an intimate relationship with Jade Raymond. But unfortunately none of those things happened.
I just saw him play it and saw a few things:
a) frustration
b) boredom
c) repetive combat
I just lost all interest. Not only that but I absolutely love the new Prince of Persia series. I still have my Xbox plugged in so I can play Warrior Within and Two Thrones (as they are not backwards compatible) but yet Assassin's Creed disappointed me on every level.
If they muck up Splinter Cell: Conviction, I will officially be pissed off at them.
When God of War II came out, my friend instantly bought it and finished it and let me play it afterwards. I beat it too and walked away remarking I probably just finished the best pure action game of my life.
That same friend bought Assassin's Creed. I saw him play it and I couldn't care less. I wanted Assassin's Creed to be good. I wanted to like the game. I wanted to have an intimate relationship with Jade Raymond. But unfortunately none of those things happened.
I just saw him play it and saw a few things:
a) frustration
b) boredom
c) repetive combat
I just lost all interest. Not only that but I absolutely love the new Prince of Persia series. I still have my Xbox plugged in so I can play Warrior Within and Two Thrones (as they are not backwards compatible) but yet Assassin's Creed disappointed me on every level.
If they muck up Splinter Cell: Conviction, I will officially be pissed off at them.
Friends influence you into liking or not like a game?
ah, more topics from you......
yes it's a great game but GOW2 imight be a better game for you.. it's all opinion .. but don't compare different platforms..that's your mistake..
[QUOTE="kayn83"]When God of War II came out, my friend instantly bought it and finished it and let me play it afterwards. I beat it too and walked away remarking I probably just finished the best pure action game of my life.
That same friend bought Assassin's Creed. I saw him play it and I couldn't care less. I wanted Assassin's Creed to be good. I wanted to like the game. I wanted to have an intimate relationship with Jade Raymond. But unfortunately none of those things happened.
I just saw him play it and saw a few things:
a) frustration
b) boredom
c) repetive combat
I just lost all interest. Not only that but I absolutely love the new Prince of Persia series. I still have my Xbox plugged in so I can play Warrior Within and Two Thrones (as they are not backwards compatible) but yet Assassin's Creed disappointed me on every level.
If they muck up Splinter Cell: Conviction, I will officially be pissed off at them.
Friends influence you into liking or not like a game?
No I was watching him play it and it completely made me lose interest. He actually likes it.
[QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="kayn83"]When God of War II came out, my friend instantly bought it and finished it and let me play it afterwards. I beat it too and walked away remarking I probably just finished the best pure action game of my life.
That same friend bought Assassin's Creed. I saw him play it and I couldn't care less. I wanted Assassin's Creed to be good. I wanted to like the game. I wanted to have an intimate relationship with Jade Raymond. But unfortunately none of those things happened.
I just saw him play it and saw a few things:
a) frustration
b) boredom
c) repetive combat
I just lost all interest. Not only that but I absolutely love the new Prince of Persia series. I still have my Xbox plugged in so I can play Warrior Within and Two Thrones (as they are not backwards compatible) but yet Assassin's Creed disappointed me on every level.
If they muck up Splinter Cell: Conviction, I will officially be pissed off at them.
Friends influence you into liking or not like a game?
No I was watching him play it and it completely made me lose interest. He actually likes it.
[QUOTE="kayn83"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="kayn83"]When God of War II came out, my friend instantly bought it and finished it and let me play it afterwards. I beat it too and walked away remarking I probably just finished the best pure action game of my life.
That same friend bought Assassin's Creed. I saw him play it and I couldn't care less. I wanted Assassin's Creed to be good. I wanted to like the game. I wanted to have an intimate relationship with Jade Raymond. But unfortunately none of those things happened.
I just saw him play it and saw a few things:
a) frustration
b) boredom
c) repetive combat
I just lost all interest. Not only that but I absolutely love the new Prince of Persia series. I still have my Xbox plugged in so I can play Warrior Within and Two Thrones (as they are not backwards compatible) but yet Assassin's Creed disappointed me on every level.
If they muck up Splinter Cell: Conviction, I will officially be pissed off at them.
Friends influence you into liking or not like a game?
No I was watching him play it and it completely made me lose interest. He actually likes it.
the frustration was in the little missions before assassinations. Pickpocketing in particular. Especially when the beggars or infirmed people approach you, my friend was having a particularly difficult time.
the boredom was on my part. I saw Assassin's Creed as a game that was just boring especially when compared to the Prince of Persia trilogy.
finally, the repetitive gameplay came in the form of killing drones of enemies with one button combat.
There were cool moments no doubt but the flaws simply overshadow the high points.
AC won because it had the benefit of time. It is still fresh in everyone's mind seeing as it came out in November, whereas GoW2 came out in March(?), leaving a lot of time and games between itself and the GOTY voting. It's the same thing as all the great movies of the year; they come out in Oct/Nov/Dec, still fresh in the memories of the people who decide all the movie awards for the year.Sir_BIGnuts
I think thats just silly really, if they are going to choose a winner then they should play the nominated games a month before casting their vote.
anyways who cares what their decision was.
[QUOTE="Sir_BIGnuts"]AC won because it had the benefit of time. It is still fresh in everyone's mind seeing as it came out in November, whereas GoW2 came out in March(?), leaving a lot of time and games between itself and the GOTY voting. It's the same thing as all the great movies of the year; they come out in Oct/Nov/Dec, still fresh in the memories of the people who decide all the movie awards for the year.Krigon
I think thats just silly really, if they are going to choose a winner then they should play the nominated games a month before casting their vote.
anyways who cares what their decision was.
It's definatley true though; games wise: Halo, Crysis, Mario, Mass Effect, CoD4, AC, Uncharted have all come within the last 3 1/2 months. Some of the best movies of the year IMO and in many other's opinions; No Country for Old Men, Sweeny Todd, Atonemont, even Walk Hard have all come out in the last 2 months
No assassins creed was not THE best action game and mabey it didnt deserve the title (i have never played god of war 2)
But i just loved it .The graphics were beautiful. the fighting style was...different, but again i liked it i was always finding more and more different ways of doing things till the end of the game.
only dissapointment for me was the very abrupt ending and that it was kinda short but i liked the sci-fi twist and found it to be very interesting.
Someone here yesterdaystated Assassin's Creed was like Prince of Persia in the crusades. :lol:
while it's actually a dumbed down Crackdown in the crusades (with far better looks..)
Assassin's Creed is the biggiest JOKE! of the year. The game sucks Monkey ****. GOW 2 was way better. flaa2000
were you trying to say you like GOW2 beetter? You didn't need to bas AC to do that you know.
GOW2 is way better than AC. GS got this award way wrong. IMO, GOW2 should have been seriously considered for GOTY.mazderoThe fact that God of War II was in serious consideration with a Gamespot GOTY nomination and Assassins Creed wasn't and AC won over God of War in the category is even more of a mind boggler. What changed their minds all of a sudden ?
EGM thrashed AC in their reviews. Cannot believe it scored a 9 on gamespot over so many better games. (Mass Effect & Uncharted.)
Assassin's Creed is a great game, but God of War 2 is a fantastic game.
God of War 2 may have been a victim of coming out early in the year, so people forget about it when they give awards out.
also the fact that SOO many great games came out this year..and on next gen platforms. RE4 came out in January 2005..but the fact that nothing could even compete throughout the year meant it got GOTY despite coming out so early.
You're trying way too hard to make this game look bad. You dotn have any real legitimate bad points.
Now lets go over the list of things that made this game suck!!
1. AI is very very dumb.
2. AI walkin about askin for money! and the retrads that hit u when u get close. For one the Dev didn't give u any money in the game to help these people so why even add them to the game? To get in your way? thats dumb and sloppy. I have a better idea next time why don't you have me fight TONS of AI and give me a borning fighting system! O wait?! They did.
3. The Weapons! After the first 20 minswhen u have all your skills you lose them then u have to fight to get them back?! Why they sucked when u had them and later in the level u get nothing else new. Just a waste of damn time. No new weapons. Just the same O stuff u had at the start of the game.
4. Why can't i swim?
5. Why can't I pick-up weapons?
6. Why is there no night time?
7. Why is hose back riding as waste of time?
8. why do i need to be someone else in the game and being this person sucks even more then being the main person?
9. why do i have to help other Assassin's with dumb quest? ( like picking up flags about town or killing three of the same guys u been killing the whole game! ThereAssassin's why can't they do it!?
10. why do i grab on to buildings and other things around the city when i'm trying to get away? The controlling sucks as it is. But grabing on to things when u don't want to make it suck even harder.
11. The Ai people walkin around really really suck! everything u do they say something! Who the hell does that in real life. also why would they even care.
12.Missions are a waste of time. cause they just repeat over and over again.this game is just 1 mission done over and over again!
I can go on an on about how dumb theAI is.This game is wroth a rent or at a $19.95 or less price. Better yet don't play it. Go out side and mac to girls/guys. Go play with your friends or better yet get God of War 2 if u have not played it.flaa2000
Im a fan of the game and i could come up with better arguments. points 2-8 are so awful its not even funny.
I make fun of AC but there were a few good bits here and there. It winning an award must be some kind of joke though.
Ok Gamespot ha ha that's a good one AC as action goty, that was pretty funny now come-on tell us the real results.
... I thought Assassin's Creed was a great game. :?[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="flaa2000"]Assassin's Creed is the biggiest JOKE! of the year. The game sucks Monkey ****. GOW 2 was way better. flaa2000
1. I don't see why everybody criticize this. I hear it's because they just walk around you when you stealth kill somebody. So what? They only do that because it is completely silent when you do it. That DING noise is only heard by you.
2. Beggars. Do you really think that a professional hitman is going to waste his money on filth? The "retards" are just drunks, and Altier is calm and collected professional. Again, not worth his time. And the devs put that there so the world would be more realistic.
3. The whole point of the game was that he was a master assassin who lost his rank and equipment... He had nothing else to get back besides what he originally had, and they were trying to show you what he lost in the beginning. Did you want them to start the game with "heres your hidden blade, regain your honor, hyuk!"?
4. That is a problem, even I can't defend it.
5. Because he has the best, most advanced weapons in all of the holy lands... And you can pickpocket thugs for more throwing knifes...
6. Because it's social stealth. It would be pretty weird for a monk to be stalking around at night.
7. It's not, it is a lot faster than walking. Plus, they can't catch you when you are galloping, so why obey the law?
8. To advance the story. If you notice, you don't have to walk slowly around the facility 8 times as him, you usually just have dialogue with lucy or the scientist to further advance the narrative.
9. Because they suck and Altier doesn't.
10. I am not even going to dignify this with a response. The controls are among the best I have ever seen in video-games. You just have to have skill.
11. It's not modern times... Back then edicate and manners were scritly enforced. Anything out of the ordinary was commented on.
12. What assassins had to do. I do love the prince of persia games, but do you think that assassins ran along palace walls and burst into the throne room, grabbed the princess, stabbed the dude, and jump out? They had to gather intellegence, and they did it the same way every time.
I love ths game and think its better then GOW2, even though they are almost tied. I just think that GOW2's story is boring, there aren't enough finishers, and it is way to short. But thats just my opinion, please don't kill me. Plus AC is totally worth the $60.
Assassin's Creed is great fun. I love playing it. However, I can also list off the top of my head a large number of flaws: repetitive gameplay, numerous glitches, stupid and sometimes psychic AI, pathetically easy combat and cut'n'paste level design. It shouldn't have even been nominated for AGOTY. GoW II is unarguably better.chutup
cut'n'paste level design? O_o If you say so... I liked Creed more then GoW 2.
A glorified hack n' slash like God of War or something new and original like Assassin's Creed? I'll take Assassin's Creed. God of War is the most overrated franchise in the history of gaming.
A glorified hack n' slash like God of War or something new and original like Assassin's Creed? I'll take Assassin's Creed. God of War is the most overrated franchise in the history of gaming.
God of War perfectly combines combat with platforming and Zelda style puzzle solving. It's brilliant.
Assassin's Creed is the biggiest JOKE! of the year. The game sucks Monkey ****. GOW 2 was way better. flaa2000
it wasa pretty big letdown.
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