Bingo. That footage did not make this game look fun. It seems the guards A.I. is super smart instead of super dumb, which is a bad thing here, as it seems like it makes the game less fun. Wooo, running around for hours and hours. This will be another AAA title that doesn't deserve its score. Meh to the max. Conviction demo, here I come!
well i disagree, the point of an assassin is not to be a mindless killer they are usually methodical and plan the killing far before they attempt it. So why would you be able to kill every guard you come across unless you are methodical and cunning? Im not saying they may have marketed this game wrong but i always felt that in the first game there was no reason to be fighting the guards because you are trying to run from them as you just killed their political leader/tie. The whole point is to blend in, not start killing people in the open.
but needless to say i loved the first one so im getting this day one.
Rather than planning, we're given orders and being told what to do. A messege flashes at the bottom of the screen saying you should evasdrop or sit in that seat or follow this guy or do whatever it tells you to do. This isn't planning. Choosing which path to take, how to getrid of the bad guys, being able to actually kill the guards without having to wait forAltair's turn as if we were in a turn-based RPG, not limiting moves in certain levels or areas e.g. pretending to be a preist and other tricks would have helped making it more enertaining. Involving gamers and having them actually think of what to do next is better than telling them what to do. That's what I think anyway.
You nailed it right on the head. They create this huge world, then give you a very linear path to accomplish your mission. There is really no choice, just go here and do this. Why can't I go about planning my kill? Give me a huge variety of ways and let me decide. How about poisoning them? Or waiting until they're asleep and sneak in for the kill? Or bribe the gaurds for useful intel? Use archery from afar? Maybe kill a character who holds close association with the main target to steal their clothes to gain closer proximity? That's where the challenge should lie, planning and successfully executing a hit, not just doing it at said time, and not fleeing and fighting twenty guards afterwards. It should be that once the guards are after you, you've seriously ****ed up, your chances of survival are very slim and you're pretty much already dead. That'd make it all the more tense and fulfilling when successful.
It's really too bad, because the engine is amazing, the characters are cool, and being able to climb everywhere is a hell of a lot of fun. It has a lot of potential which they have hopefully capatilized on. They need to put the choice in the player's hands, which is what I'm hoping for with this one.
I'm basing all this on the first game though, obviously...
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