@04dcarraher said:
lol, making excuses again? that was only one scene and there will be scenes that pam out showing upto thousands.... That image also is compressed.
You cant be this dumb or maybe you could be... The X1 and PS4 have virtually the same cpu and both use the same architecture, same amount of cores as well. 100 mhz isnt going to make a real difference nor will the use of DDR3 or GDDR5.... Again you totally bypassed what I said Watchdogs was is not true next gen game and was originally built around the 360/PS3 as base hardware. the fact that they disabled certain settings dont mean crap because other companies do the same with many other games we see promotions and retail isnt even close. Prime example is Naughty Dog with UC3 or even the Original Crysis.Even with WD it does not prove that UBI is holding back your precious PS4 besides the resolution. fact is the PS4 and X1 are in the same boat with cpu limts get over it.
Oh For god sake stop you posted a screen it doesn't show thousands of people.
Resolution is a job of the GPU not the CPU,if you are CPU bottleneck at 1080p you will at 900p to because you still drawing the same amount of NPC this is the reason for the whole rage on sites like neogaf,you run a CPU intensive task on you PC and where ever you are 1440p or 900p the application will be just as intensive.
This is what you refuse to see,the PS4 will be just as bottle neck at 900p as it will be in 1080p because the numbers of NPC didn't drop you reduce your CPU usage by lowering task that hit the CPU not the GPU,in this case rendering less object. This is a fact not my opinion.
Ubi admit to hold the PS4 version back and even with an admission you still on denial,you know for fact the rest of UBI statement was pure damage control period,resolution wise the PS4 will always beat the xbox one because it has more resources regardless of the CPU.
And 100mhz isn't much but 100mzh per core either is 600mhz more of performance the xbox one has over the PS4,it may not be much but is something which should make the xbox one avoid been inferior to the PS4 version CPU wise,which hasn't show to be the case.
@FastRobby said:
LOL, what? Now you are claiming Xbox One has a faster CPU? You were always saying that the CPU of PS4 was better, hahaha, you're such a hypocrite.
Btw the reason why PS4 is only 900p, is indeed the CPU. I know resolution is a GPU task, but the more work the CPU has, the worse GPU of PS4 performs. This has been said by Sony. So it isn't that weird that they are both on 900p, knowing that PS4 always has empty worlds, probably the only reason why Infamous is 1080p.
No i wasn't talking about CPU performance which the PS4 has beat the xbox one and is there documented,i am talking about actual speed of the CPU which faster on XBO 1.75ghz vs 1.6ghz.
That is from a scenario not all of them,it is the same screen Tigahman use and other lemmings to,the PS4 in most task the CPU and GPU don't even need to share memory,they have their own bandwidth.
That is from developers conference on early 2013.
In no place sony says there that the maximum bandwidth is 140GB/s that is what morons like you assume,do you see that chart show the whole 176GB.s.?
How would the unified system architecture and 8GB GDDR5 RAM help in making a better game? Gilray stated that, “It means we don’t have to worry so much about stuff, the fact that the memory operates at around 172GB/s is amazing, so we can swap stuff in and our as fast as we can without it really causing us much grief.
So yeah Oddworld was operating the bandwidth at 172GB/s that is basically 4GB's shy of the 176GB's the PS4 has.
Not only that the PS4 is a HSA design which mean no wasted bandwidth in useless copy and paste of the same data,the xbox one isn't and the CPU can't see the data while it is on the ESRAM which mean no true HSA and having to copy and pasted more data which lead to more bandwidth consumption.
Dude the game will be as bottle at 900p as it will be at 1080p is the problem is the CPU,again run a test on your PC run a CPU intensive task like encoding a movie on 1080p and then lower you resolution to 720p and see if the CPU intensive task stopped been intensive by lowering the resolution.
The only way to reduce a CPU bottleneck is to lower your CPU usage,that mean lower number of NPC on screen lower your draw calls and things like that,if you are bottleneck with 100 NPC in 1080p you will be on 900p to with the same 100NPC,because the CPU utilization still is the same.'
Which is the reason why probably the frame rate was all over the place in AC unity xbox one demo been shown now.
@Cloud_imperium said:
Didn't Ubisoft had a deal with Sony to release exclusive contents for Watch Dogs and that cross gen game ran at 900p on PS4 .? Which caused a major butthurt (AC games always get exclusive contents on Playstation as well) .
Pretty sure it is the other way around . Instead of M$ , Sony must've asked them keep fanboys in delusion that how much PS4 is powerful and how it is being held back by other consoles , otherwise it would've played it at 1080p . Yes , PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One but when you look at Watch Dogs then ... it makes you think that how they were supposed to run current gen only game at 1080p when they failed to do so with cross gen game , and also makes you remember that how WD was held back by both consoles .
Yeah and they hide the PC settings to avoid direct comparison with the PS4 version,the downgrade was so bad,that they had to downgrade the PC version on purpose to not make the PS4 version look even worse,sounds familiar.?
By the way Watchdogs on XBO wasn't 900p it was 792.
AC BF was 1080p on PS4 and 900p on xbox one,this is AC not a watchdogs sequel,so if the xbox one can run it at 900p the PS4 version can run at 1080p,stop making excuses for the xbox fake hermit.
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