Is not a 1440p machine is a 1080p machine hyped to be 1440p and 120FPS no amount of CPU power will move that resolution with those frames on a AAA game.
It may actually be better depending on what you can get,if you are aiming for 8 core zen 16 threads don't loss your time,you simply will not be it,but such a low end GPU doesn't require a ryzen 2.
I bought a PC for emulation some months ago is a 4 core i5 3470 3.2ghz no HT,for $135 dollars came with mouse keyboard,8GB of ram and 1TB hdd.
I pair it with a 1650 super to be able to emulate pretty much anything out there,and that card is $160 dollars can run shadow of mordor on 1080p ultra at 90+FPS,the 1650 super i think will have no problems beating that series S,at least until the true next gen may come,they i may be hurt more by memory than anything else since it is a 4GB card.
Now i went used on the PC,if you are chasing something new and you want faster loading you will not match that series S,for that price.
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