Thats absolute BS, the only reason people talk about MS great lineup is because they showed nothing at there reveal. Sony already showed off some games so it was less of a surprise.
How is it BS? What did Sony show off?
Killzone, Infamous, Knack and Drive Club?
Assuming all of those are good (and personally, none of them did it for me, especially since Killzone never has), how is that better than Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, Project Spark, Crimson Dragon, Ryse, Forza Motorsport 5, Halo 5 or whatever the hell Halo game they revealed?
Oh, wait, a couple of those games I mentioned aren't exclusve? So? They're not on the PS4 either.
They showed off Killzone, Infamous, Drive Club, The Order 1866, Knack and Deep down.
Now its all a a matter of opionion but if i look at that list of games Titan Fall looks like a poor mans Destiny, Dead Rising 3 wont stay exclusive( I give it a year at the max), Crimson Dragon wont stay exclusive considering how poorly Panzer Dragon Orta did.
And if you want to talk about games not coming to Xbox it doesnt seem Xbox will be getting any MMO love such as Elder Scrolls.
Of course it's a matter of opinion and I'm stating mine.
In Titanfall's case, even if it is a poor man's Destiny, Xbox One gamers get both anyway.
Dead Rising 3 might not stay exclusive but you're still speculating.
Same with Crimson Dragon.
Anyway, that's three games on top of all of the others Microsoft unveiled.
Elder Scrolls online is coming to the Xbox One. The only thing the PS4 gets is an exclusive beta.
Up until the moment where Jack Tretton smacked the piss out of Microsoft by emphatically denying that the PS4 will employ DRM and online checks, I was pretty meh on everything I saw for the PS4. It's alright, it looks like a solid launch lineup but as far as I'm concerned, the Xbox One's was far better.
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