MGS4 will flop- 8.5
Final Fanasy will flop- 8.5
Grand turismo will flop- 8.0
and so on, and so on...
Even if these games scored perfect 10's on every other gaming site, will it even matter on GS? They will more than likely find something, anything to knock the game down, no matter how trivial.
GameSpot is really giving the PS3 a hard way to go on this site. If you are a neutral gamer without any biasness, you can't help but sense a bad vibe coming from GS towards the PS3.
It's undeniable.
Even if you're a 360 supporter, I think that you too can probably sense the disadvantage the PS3 has here.
What gets me is how blatent it is. It's like a witch hunt.
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