Hi guys,
I've been playing games since the 8-bit generation, I enjoyed them all, but the current generation left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.
My first purchase was an XBOX 360 and after the initial excitement, later in the generation I kinda felt annoyed by the lack of exclusive titles, or even worse, by timed exclusive titles, which then would end up on Pc/other platforms.
In 2010 I bought a PS3 and finally I could enjoy some exclusive games and I could see Sony's effort in the first party department, I started seeing value in that piece of hardware. But other things about the Ps3 really pissed me off, like the constant updates. Bluray was then one of the main reasons why I used the PS3.
Right afterwards I had to buy the Wii, despite all the criticism, and Nintendo exclusives have always attracted me, there's something special about them. But the console was a huge disappointment in terms of capabilities, I could never accept that they couldn't even make a decent hardware that could make the games shine on LCD TV's.
So, Pc became my main gaming platform, with Steam and so many games at a cheap price, it felt like that's the way to go, considering that most games would sooner or later end up on Pc, too, and despite the poor optimization on some games, I could truly tell the difference in terms of quality, even with a not-so-good graphics card (geforce 550 ti). I already had a Pc and all I did was upgrading the CPU and graphics card spending 350 euros in total. That way I had a platform that TRULY does everything.
It actually does everything
This upcoming generation, I decided that my decision will be based on exclusives solely and my purchase will happen later in the generation.
What about you guys?
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