"Graphically could convince the new Pikmin 3 for Wii, U, the image of Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition, however, looks at the new Nintendo console, significantly worse than on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360,"
Nintendo has loaded our editors Katharina and Christoph Reuss Kraus a few days after Munich to in peace and your heart's content, the new U Wii a try. At the event in Munich were the two anzocken among other things presented at the E3 2012 U Pikmin 3 for Wii, which was graphically convincing. Who also presented at E3 2012 Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition looks graphically worse than on the other hand, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, says Catherine.
However, Wii is U-playing hard. "After a few hours with Nintendo's new console, my arms were suffering from fatigue, then the controller must be often held up in front of the face or to the side,"
Catherine Reuss (Games News): U Wii is exhausting! After a few hours with Nintendo's new console, my arms were suffering from fatigue, after all, the controllers are often held up in front of the face or side. The new input device showed his potential, especially in the mini-games such as Nintendo WarioWare or country. In Ninja Gaiden or ZombiU I felt it as a distraction, however, turns off the screen on the controller to look at. Graphically I was particularly impressed by the Pikmin detailed look, however, saw Batman significantly worse than Batman on PS3 or Xbox 360
WiiU....the true next gen console.:|
"Wii U will be preferred over PS3, 360 for core games like Call of Duty".....for sure.:lol:
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