Blizzard, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are getting ready their weapons for this season and gamers couldn't be more happy, however, this is SW where no brand can be universally acclaimed, so i was wondering, what upcoming exclusive are you most hyped for and why?
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The legendary franchise is back and bigger than ever, this time we will find out how the Master Sword was forged, we will follow Link on his quest to save his childhood friend Zelda and we will find out who is this mysterious new villain all this and much more in this new title celebrating the 25 anniversary of The Legend of Zelda.
Forza 4
One part of the holy Microsoft trinity (Gears, Halo, Forza) this time, players will be able to use Kinect to control your car, personally there is nothing like a steer wheel, but the fact that this game is allowing options its already a win, not to mention the ridiculous details Turn 10 is adding, i don't have any doubt that Forza fans will be more than pleased with Forza 4.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Does anyone remember this? "PS3 has no games" however this franchise was one of the reasons we forgot that phrase entirely, now after a highly acclaimed Uncharted 2, we will follow Drake as he faces a clandestine organization in order to retrieve an ancient treasure, sadly for Drake, there is much more than just that in this adventure.
Diablo 3
Blizzard knows how to handle their franchises, so anyone who enjoyed Diablo 2 should be extremely excited for this, in fact, anyone who enjoys good games should be excited for this one, i know I'am, and i'm not even a fan of the genre. Be ready to defend the world of Sanctuary from the armies of Hell once again.
So what do you say guys?
BTW, i know that Gears of War 3 should be there, but damn you Epic Games for releasing your game before i made my thread :evil:
Also i'm aware that Diablo 3 was delayed, however i don't think there is a more important PC exclusive in the near future than Diablo 3.
Hopefully this time i got it right.
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