Now that both have been out for a while, which multiplayer experience you find more enjoyable?
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I have MW3 on PC and BF3 on PC and PS3, so I can only speak on those versions:
On PC, both games have a small playerbase and the games are laggy as hell.
On PS3, BF3 has a decent size player base, and the game isn't anywhere near as laggy as the PC version, but the hit detection still sucks.
So, between the two, I'd go with Resistance 2.
Battlefield 3, though the co-op and single player are poop compared to CoD's offerings, the multiplayer is amazing, especially on PC.
Of course its not perfect, I'd probably liken BF3's buggy and exploit filled online to being a Catholic in an abusive relationship. You know its bad, but its against your religion to get out. In other words, its so damn fun that the various flaws are forgiven. MW3 is fun, but it doesn't really do much different from before and is rather unbalanced. Its polished and streamlined and easy to get into and whatever, but not as overall amazing and thrilling as BF3 online, not to mention not nearly as awesome on the PC and not nearly as pretty either.
I'd say I am biased because I play MW3 on my PS3 and BF3 on PC, but...
As bad as some of the maps for BF3 are, I believe MW3's maps are overall worse.
And lol @ the idea that resistance2 shouldn't be lumped into a genre called crap.
You need to find better servers. BF3 PC my ping is always below 50, it's 20 on good servers.I have MW3 on PC and BF3 on PC and PS3, so I can only speak on those versions:
On PC, both games have a small playerbase and the games are laggy as hell.
On PS3, BF3 has a decent size player base, and the game isn't anywhere near as laggy as the PC version, but the hit detection still sucks.
So, between the two, I'd go with Resistance 2.
[QUOTE="Pug-Nasty"]You need to find better servers. BF3 PC my ping is always below 50, it's 20 on good servers.I have MW3 on PC and BF3 on PC and PS3, so I can only speak on those versions:
On PC, both games have a small playerbase and the games are laggy as hell.
On PS3, BF3 has a decent size player base, and the game isn't anywhere near as laggy as the PC version, but the hit detection still sucks.
So, between the two, I'd go with Resistance 2.
My ping is around 80-140 most times since I'm currently overseas. With most games its good enough, I might get issues with matchmaking in some games (like Max Payne 3's matchmaking which makes it hard to game with friends), but that's generally the big matchmaking issue a lot of PC users get (and which I can't really figure out how to fix).
BF3 lately has been a massive lag fest. I don't know why, everyone I know has weird connection issues and lag spikes, in a game I played yesterday with 120 ping (which is decent when I do fine with much higher ping then that) I literally had moments where I teleported from the top floor of a building to the bottom floor of that same building, or planted C4 on a tank only for me to teleport 20 feet from the tank and get blown to bits.
Its terrible, EA servers pretty much come with free misery at this point. I love the game, but this happened in 2010 with BC2 for an entire summer and I hated the game for it.
mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?dakan45
put network smoothing factor at 0 and problem solved
mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?dakan45
I dont think MW3 P2P connection is any better
[QUOTE="dakan45"]mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?lostrib
I dont think MW3 P2P connection is any better
I have both on Xbox and BF3's hit detection is god awful, the game still has sound issues to this day and the stock maps are crap except for Metro.
mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?dakan45TRUST ME, it's alot better than losing to a knife while wielding a shotgun. In CoD, the knife is beast. It can even kill with a SINGLE swipe to the shins, and whats even better is that your character actually dashes forward a little while swiping. :lol:
There's just as many people playing the PC version of BF3. Also I don't get any lag. Try connecting to a server with a ping below 100....I have MW3 on PC and BF3 on PC and PS3, so I can only speak on those versions:
On PC, both games have a small playerbase and the games are laggy as hell.
On PS3, BF3 has a decent size player base, and the game isn't anywhere near as laggy as the PC version, but the hit detection still sucks.
So, between the two, I'd go with Resistance 2.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?Obviously_Right
I dont think MW3 P2P connection is any better
I have both on Xbox and BF3's hit detection is god awful, the game still has sound issues to this day and the stock maps are crapexcept for Metro.
Actually, most battlefield fans consider Metro a crap map as well. To me, the maps aren't bad, it's just that most maps aren't really good for both Rush and Conquest. Most maps really benefit in one mode, and totally suck in the other mode. Out of the 8 original maps (I'm guessing with that) that came on launch, maybe like 2 of them plays great for either Conquest, and Rush.I dont think MW3 P2P connection is any betterlostribthe p2p is not far from it, but on pc with servers... suprisingly though bf always had servers and always had that issue.
TRUST ME, it's alot better than losing to a knife while wielding a shotgun. In CoD, the knife is beast. It can even kill with a SINGLE swipe to the shins, and whats even better is that your character actually dashes forward a little while swiping. :lol:ermacnessRight, because in bf3, when you are in close range, you do not stand a chance if the other guy has a shotgun, you can triple headshot him first but a shotgun will register faster than an autimatic weapon. Therefore, yeah its worse. SHOOT, SHOOT SHOOT, come on, registeeer, then the other guy dies and i take damage from a dead guy. NICE, that is if the hit compensation doesnt insta kill you.
Nice philosophy. Jebus213since there is 1 second delay, the issue is more apparent on 60 fps rather on 30.
[QUOTE="Pug-Nasty"]You need to find better servers. BF3 PC my ping is always below 50, it's 20 on good servers.I have MW3 on PC and BF3 on PC and PS3, so I can only speak on those versions:
On PC, both games have a small playerbase and the games are laggy as hell.
On PS3, BF3 has a decent size player base, and the game isn't anywhere near as laggy as the PC version, but the hit detection still sucks.
So, between the two, I'd go with Resistance 2.
So is mine (on PC, it doesn't tell me my ping in ms on PS3), but there are always people with 200+ms pings on the server, and you can't do anything about that.
[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"][QUOTE="dakan45"]mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?dakan45Console version? Cause my PC version seems fine now. Used to have bad hit detection for some time. pc is far worse in hit detecion since it runs on 60 fps, every dice game had it, even medal of honor 2010.
So you never touched your network smoothing settings.
I have BF3 on the PC and MW3 on the 360.
BF3 was a disappointment in a few ways, but my standards were set pretty damn high. As a standalone game it's fantastic, but as a sequel to BF2 it's a letdown. It's still a lot of fun and I'll continue playing it.
As for MW3, I have about 5 hour of the multiplayer in total. It bores me to death. Could be because I'm on the consoles, as I bought Black Ops for the PC and I put 50 hours into that no problem. MW3's maps are boring, the guns are really lackluster (especially compared to games like BF3 and RO2), the perks/killstreaks annoying me (getting killed by an unblockable missile is pure BS), and overall the experiance is stale. It was great back in CoD 4, and was fun in WaW and was great to revist with Black Ops, but MW3 felt like it was just beating the dead horse.
I have some hope for Black Ops 2 but not much.
Overall I find BF3 to be the superior multiplayer shooter.
both fun
BUT here my opinion
mw3 winner.
~ rent a server crap in bf3 has ruined the game for me,
~mw3 is more fluent
~ i prefer the more arcadish shooter
~ nice and fast pace
~ right out of the 17 maps. there is 2 more you can download for free online, if you get elite it last 1 year so it will even carry over black ops 2 BUT anyways there are tons of map to be download IF you. either way you have 0 trouble finding matchs
bf3 only has sp and mp but mw3 also has survival mode and spec ops and both of those have match making built into it to.
~ i prefer smaller maps keep the action going around the clock
~ you get perks of your choice to help become the player you want
~kill streaks are a blast
~some of bf3 maps are just too big you can end up walking around and sometimes don't find ppl
cod going get alot hate but the reason is more people out there. (more of something out there more people will talk)
you cant go wrong with ether one imo because it's what what you prefer.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?KungfuKittenConsole version? Cause my PC version seems fine now. Used to have bad hit detection for some time.
nope just played a TDM first to 500 and everything worked fine on my ps3. God that was a great match even though my team lost still was fun. Also for the topic question BF3 by MILES.
[QUOTE="dakan45"]mw3 beauase it doesnt have dice's garbage delay in hit registration which makes the game a skill-less trollolish shooter that gets me headeaches every time i try to understand wtf happened in the last firefight i experianced. I am like DAFUQ just happened?Obviously_Right
I dont think MW3 P2P connection is any better
I have both on Xbox and BF3's hit detection is god awful, the game still has sound issues to this day and the stock maps are crap except for Metro.
Except for Metro? Maybe you should stick to COD with your close quarters pray-n-spray[QUOTE="Obviously_Right"][QUOTE="lostrib"]
I dont think MW3 P2P connection is any better
I have both on Xbox and BF3's hit detection is god awful, the game still has sound issues to this day and the stock maps are crap except for Metro.
Except for Metro? Maybe you should stick to COD with your close quarters pray-n-sprayI love pretentious BF fans who pretend BF is better in this regard.
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